Some of the Horde have forgotten

For some members of the Horde, the machinations of Sylvannas seem unsavory… but many have forgotten just what it means to be in the Horde… it isn’t when you want it… it isn’t how you want it… it isn’t when it suits you or it is palatable… it is ALL. THE. TIME.

The Horde oath explains it clearly…

"Lok’tar ogar! Victory or death - it is these words that bind me to the Horde! For they are the most sacred and fundamental of truths to any warrior of the Horde.

I give my flesh and blood freely to the Warchief. I am the instrument of my Warchief’s desire. I am a weapon of my Warchief’s command!

From this moment until the end of days I live and die - FOR THE HORDE!"

Just shut up, hold on, and do your job!


Just follow orders, hrmmmm?


From my “chosen quest path” (or illusion of choice for people who play the wrong Faction), my job appears to be to play along.

It feels literal. I will be literally playing along in a video game, with the Saurfang+Anduin team and killing Dark Rangers and Sunreavers for Jaina.

The idea of it is detestable. Doesn’t sound too fun.


Our job in BFA is to kill as many members of the Horde as possible. I think they got the scripts messed up and we got the Alliance story?


I absolutely agree… it is detestable… but, as a member of the Horde, you’re essentially just a cog in the machine… do your bit and arguably, everything should turn out ok (we know that isn’t always, or even sometimes, true… ).

From a story standpoint, that’s the role of the player… to do as he/she is told, but to find the limits of loyalty… and that’s really the true heart of any allegiance… how far you are willing to go to reach the end goal.


It’s never a soldier’s business to decide when or where or how–or why–he fights; that belongs to the statesmen and the generals. The statesmen decide why and how much; the generals take it from there and tell us where and when and how. We supply the violence; other people–“older and wiser heads,” as they say–supply the control

A genocidal group with the motto ‘victory or death.’

Where have I heard this before?


Funny you should word it that way, as apparently if you fall in battle she has no issues with raising you as a mindless shambling husk, doomed to indefinitely walk the field you died on, attacking literally anyone in sight - even your beloved Horde…

Sorry, had to play Devil’s Advocate just a tad there. My frustration with the complete damning of one my favorite lore characters has left me slightly salty.

I wonder what metaphor is behind this post…

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Flesh and blood is figurative… since a major portion of the horde army is undead. But you can’t have warriors without a war.

And I didn’t word it that way… that’s a direct lift from the oath in the game (when you indoctrinate the Tauren into the Horde while questing in Dragonblight in Northrend.

I’m leveling this priest through northrend now and found that little part really interesting… I, like a lot of people, was really bummed out about where Sylvanna’s was taking the Horde… until literally this morning when I read that speech given to the Horde recruits. It made me at least comfortable with the illusion of going along with the plan until something gives (my loyalty or cooler heads prevails).

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Well, I’m not a soldier so…yeah.

The horde’s kind of in an iffy spot because all the current leaders rebelled against Garrosh, Sylvanas certainly never had the attitude of ‘I will obey Warchief Garrosh no matter what.’

If none of the current horde leaders would do that for Garrosh why should Sylvanas expect it of them? Garrosh wasn’t even deposted by mak’gora.

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LOL… you are… whether you like it or not… you are either in the Horde army or the alliance army… it is unavoidable… i suppose you can role play being a store owner, but even then, if you quest, you’re a soldier.

Technically were in this grey area where in one expansion we’re a commander leading an entire Garrison worth of troops on an alien world, but then leading a mixed faction neutral order hall later like its nothing. And then were just a rank and file grunt just taking orders the expansion after that. Like we dont have these power bases that would make us above taking the orders of the factions. At the very least above being treated like grunts.

Basically it’s a bit of a mess.

Sylvanas fans: “Lol who cares about honor?”
Also Sylvanas fans: “YOU SWORE AN OATH, HOW DARE YOU


You are talking two different things here… honor is not loyalty… and loyalty isn’t necessarily honor… an oath is about loyalty, not honor…

Sylvannas wants loyalty, not honor… Baine on the other hand wants honor ABOVE loyalty (not saying he doesn’t want both, just that he puts honor above loyalty).

It is the razor line all soldiers must walk… when to be disloyal in order to preserve honor.


Your ellipses do not make your post cool or inspiring.


Do they make it worth you posting? I guess we have an answer to that…


Oh, congratulations. You got a Male Human Paladin regular to post on your forum. What, do you want a cookie?

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No… but thanks for adding such gravitas to this discussion.