Some OCE Players Want the Merge

Title. We’ve been here in Classic, when OCE players kicked up a stink about merging Battlegroups with US (myself included). We won, and enjoyed a dead PvP scene with great latency.

Connecting to US really isn’t that bad. Definitely no worse than the connections we used to play on in 2005, anyway.

With respect to other Oce players who do not want the merge, that position is not unanimous. (Elron has some good suggestions in their thread, though).

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Level 30 gnome, I do not mean disrespect when I say I wholeheartedly disagree with your sentiment on connecting to US really isn’t that bad. I do not know why you would draw the comparison of comparing 2024 latency to NA and 2005 latency to NA both are equally terrible. I am to believe you have not content in World of Warcraft which relies on the use of decent ping when on or in a NA server/group nor spent enough time playing the game to truly realise how crap it is. If you’ve ever driven a motor vehicle you’re expectation after spending soo long in a 100km zone is 100km. The draw of a comparrsion ill make here which is more accurate is suddenly going to 20km an hour for the next 100km. The driver and passengers will feel the sensation of slow. If other vehicles are able to drive at 100km whilst you’re driving at 20km, they get the priviledge whilst still paying the same fuel (sub) cost involved in driving (playing) this game (road)

There’s already thread addressing oceanic if you wanna voice your opinion do it in there because there’s also a suggestion if they do go ahead with the merge.


We want the merge just want oceanic ping in raids. We are paying customers and the technology is there.


I originally respectfully disagreed with you. No more. You do not speak for the “majority” of OCE. Get off your high horse.

You’re not wrong - playing at a higher ping definitely puts one at a disadvantage. But we aren’t talking about a hyper-competetive twitch shooter.

Maybe you won’t get 99 parses. But you can definitely experience, enjoy, and participate meaningfully in the content with a 200ms delay. And to me - and many others, I’m sure - having a healthy, sustainable population is more important.

Again, we already PvP with US players. Are BGs really that unplayable?

Curious if you’re willing to display this opinion from the character you actually play from ingame instead of an unguilded level 30? It doesn’t hold much weight presenting this when the majority of guilds i’m hearing from have no interest in playing on NA servers

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I always disagree that your forum avatar is linked to the saliency of your opinions, but my SoD toon as requested.

And my old Classic toon from Vanilla-Wrath. Perhaps we played together!

Maybe I won’t get 99 parses

Again, not to come off on the wrong foot, I sort of log on to do the raid and log off and get a feeling of happiness when my parse gets closer to 100, this is how I play the game currently until there is content for me to do, i’ve already experienced 1000days /played on main game clocked vanilla-legion

The thing is, you’ll find alot of the player base on SoD to be of an older audience, a more mature crowd of gamers, we know the content dopamine drip and feed it.

Raiding/PvP ping is important if you play those two versions of the game or both, it will force these oce players to era/retail, im dont want to have to wait extra time on every single interraction, key press

Again not to be rude, you either havent played the game much or are possibly being slightly dishonest for a rise, its frustrating that you would say “we already pvp with US players. Are BGs really that unplayable”

Sorry mate, we must play the game in two different ways i envy the way you play

Brian is that you

If you have that hyper-competitive approach to content, I understand why the closing of OCE servers would frustrate you.

It sounds like we just have different perspectives. It sounds like you look with disappointment at the prospect of Oce servers closing down. I’m just happy that NA servers are still functionally playable in OCE, considering how many of my old favourite online games have zero community outside of mainland NA / EU and are unplayable on Australian latency.

It’s not dishonest at all. It’s the precedent. We do play with NA Battlegroups already, and it’s perfectly functional most of the time. I played US servers on SoM and HC, including group content. I know first hand, people’s complaints about playing on NA servers from OCE are grossly exaggerated.

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Mate looking at Smough, you haven’t cleared MC on any difficulty. Coming from a competitive aspect a game needs to be more than playable. The game is “playable” with a default UI and no binds, trust me I did it as a 13 yo back in original classic but I can tell you for free if you aren’t running WA’s you may as well uninstall from a competitive aspect.

It’s like looking at a games minimum requirements on the back of the disc. Yeah 250mb of ram might pass but its gonna be an average time at best.

A couple of things to unpick there:

  1. Competitiveness. The OCE Classic WoW community will die before the NA community. If playing this game competitively is seriously the most important aspect, you better be ready for disappointment or get ready to move to North America. And I am apprehensive to believe that you or most other people would prefer to cancel your sub rather than play with a functional but suboptimal connection, simply because you can’t be the best any anymore.

  2. Latency. I’ve said it several times but OCE latency when playing on NA servers simply is not that bad. Elron has patently lied on several occasions saying melee is “unplayable” on NA servers. Serious question: when is the last time you played on a NA Server? How do you “know” it is as bad as you think it is?

It’s cute that you’re not doing this on any of the other “spam” threads when people agree with you. How dare people have different opinions to me?! Don’t they know I’m the self-appointed ambassador of Oceania?!

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  1. I will literally unsub on all 3 accounts the second we lose OCE ping and cancel one of the most populated guilds on the server. As will KoM. Between us we are running 8 MC’s per week. This isn’t to say some of our members won’t continue. But it 100% will kill the OCE competitive community at the very least. As well as another 6 runs per week which is basically the equivalent of 4-6 guilds on Alli.

  2. Last time would be 50/50 TOGC ptr with floor pov we PTR’d there and DPS checks were tight especially on Anub. Come launch 50/50 was an easy clear and dps checks were non existent. I know you probably haven’t played at the level where snapshotting matters but as an enhance shaman maxing out a fele can be a huge difference and sometimes this requires waiting till the last 0.5 seconds or less for procs. It was the same on PTR with Saurfang Heroic in ICC vs live again a million times easier due to dps output on 20 ping.

If you want to casually play this game, I 100% agree with you, but I’d rather uninstall than play casually. As would a majority of competitive players that I know.

And look, fair enough with the level of play you are talking about. I completely understand that even a 150/200ms latency would get in the way when trying to play at that level. I fully admit to being a casual player and no interest in parses (you probably tried looking me up only to see I don’t even use logs).

Personally, it seems to me like throwing the baby out with the bathwater to quit just because OCE servers close down. It’s still a fun, functional game. But we can agree to disagree.

The main reason I made this thread was just to let my voice be heard, since Elron has taken it upon himself to represent the entirety of NZ and Australia, apparently.

have you ever tried to play a game competitively on high ping? it is unplayable.
it’s not a lie to say otherwise if you are trying to perform at your best and it’s something you care about - you can say it is cringe to care about such things but the fact is that people do and that is how those people enjoy the game.
so no, it’s not a lie to say that NA ping will make melee classes unplayable as it places you at such a disadvantage that it’s not even worth trying

edit: an additional point to make here is that two OCE guilds are rank 9 and 11 on global speed clear - if you don’t give them OCE ping they won’t be able to compete anymore

I second this!

Give us the Merge but let us raid with Oceanic pings

The issue I have Horace, is that for you, it honestly doesn’t matter. You could play on a US server tomorrow and be a casual player with no logs & it makes no difference.

Elron, and don’t get me wrong KoM and I don’t always see eye to eye, is representing the group of people where ping does matter. So you saying well this doesn’t matter, is honestly irrelevant because you could play a US server tomorrow and achieve what you’re achieving now, which is casual fun. I am all for that and I am glad you enjoy the game that way.

But you refuting what Elron has to say and what the competitive guilds have to say is honestly frustrating. KoM and noted are the two biggest guilds on Alli side if not the entire server. If you kill us you kill a large majority of the OCE community. These guilds exist to compete and compete at a high level. That simply can’t be done on high ping.

Grey parses on H1 can be achieved with 1000ms between here and the moon. Thats not for me.


Play something like Rainbow 6: Siege on high ping? Sure, completely unplayable.

Play Classic WoW with a 100-200ms delay? Above and beyond, it’s still a playable and enjoyable experience.

bruh how is 250+ MS (it will be for me) an enjoyable experience at all? That is such an insane take and most people would not agree with it.