In the city of Dornogol, pets are level 1 like in a capital city. Mosswools, which are the main cattle of the Earthen, and the greenish moth, fallowspark something or other around trees. Troglofrogs, which can be found anywhere, for some reason (might be a bug?), only have 83 health when less than rare quality, despite being level 25; maybe an uncommon one will be in normal health range. So doublecheck any troglofrogs in the opposing team otherwise it’s an insta-kill. Just a heads-up from early access.
The only pet battling I’ve done so far is wild pet capture, so the only team I’m using is 3x pets with Weakening Blow or Superbark.
Of course, in a moment of inattention I could still use one of the other attacks in the books and splatter the poor froggy, but at least I’ll never be in a situation where I don’t have a pet with at least a chance of making the capture.
Only some of the Troglofrogs have this bug as I pointed out in my own thread on this subject. (And I hope they never fix it!)