Some Latin Friendly Roleplay Guild?

Greetings People

I’m looking for a guild to use RP here at Moon Guard to practice my English, which I’m almost fluent in (I read well, but I really need to improve my listening, speaking and writing skills).

I’m Brazilian, a language student (I’m a Spanish teacher, a native Portuguese speaker and I’ve also recently started studying Arabic and I want to add more languages ​​to my mind), and I really want to improve my English too.

In WoW, I’m the kind of player who occasionally does some casual PVP or PVE, but what I really like is doing lore content and doing RP with good friends, and I’m looking for guilds here at Moon Guard for that.

But of course, as the title says, I want to find a guild where I know I won’t suffer prejudice because of some characteristics I have, like being latin, autistic, atheist, and other things that I am and that there’s nothing wrong with that. I know I can’t ask for an entire server to treat me well, but if I can at least find a guild where I’ll be well received, that’s already great.

I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you a little about myself. In Brazil, besides my degree in Letters (Spanish), I’m also a musician, composer, and culinarist. I have plans to be a radio announcer and writer in the future, and I even have an old channel about Roleplay in WoW that I want to reactivate soon, this time to produce content in all the languages ​​I speak. My channel’s name is The Drunk Gnome. Maybe I’ll make videos telling the stories of my characters and the characters of my closest friends.

Among the RPs I like to do the most, I can mention rogues, pirates, archaeologists, gnomes, goblins, dark iron dwarves, trolls, mag’har orcs, worgens, hunters who hunt for religious reasons, beast masters, warriors who somehow hide their strength and assume the appearance of being much less strong than they seem, gladiators, etc. But to be quite honest, there are almost no RP themes that I don’t like to do, although I prefer to play more cheerful and humorous characters and I don’t like sad and dramatic characters that much.

Having said all that, I’m looking for guilds that have the same mentality as me in the themes I’ve covered. I want to make good friends here, and I’m willing to do RP in any of the languages ​​I speak if I find people who want to do it too. My warband mains are all members of the Uncrowned finding now notices about their class order before the happened about Dalaran.



I don’t see why any guild would reject you based on who you are, but a lot of concern would be if their guild events work with your time zone.


OIE! :smiley:

There’s actually a few brazilians around Moon Guard, though scattered around. I’m one of them!!

I’ve been RPing on Moon Guard since 2016 and I was honestly a bit scared because I thought my English wasn’t good enough. Apparently, we foreigners can be more careful about grammar and writing than native speakers, so my writing has never been a problem! It was actually praised through the years, even though I still translate some things a bit strangely due to the Portuguese language structure HAHA

My advice would be: apply to the guilds you think seem fun. I’ve never had any problems for being brazilian, and I met some great people who actually loved it!!

As for the time zone difference: our difference is +2h during the US daylight savings time and +3h out of it. So… Most RP events end up beginning around 9-10pm for us, which is decent. You also can find organic RP in SW all the time, though people are more active in the evening.

Feel free to add me on Discord if you’d like to chat or RP! My tag is DhaiArt.


Tambien estuve buscando para probar el rolplay en wow ya que nunca lo hice jaja si encuentras algo avisa :slight_smile:

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llevo como un año en moonguard y te puedo confirmar que a diferencia de otros reinos en este no te miran raro por escribir en español y lo mas raro que me a pasado a sido un tipo que me pregunto como hacia que el juego estubiera en elfico… xD

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