Some holy paladin abilities not showing cooldown

Some holy paladin abilities are not showing their cooldowns as of 10.1.7. The icons look as if the abilities are ready to use, but they are actually on cooldown. I first noticed this in m+, but it’s reproducible anywhere.

Here’s the scenario I encountered:

  1. Cast Blessing of Autumn. This causes the ability to cycle to Blessing of Winter.
  2. Look at the Blessing of Winter ability. It will not have a cooldown timer on it, so it appears usable. However, it is still on cooldown, and so cannot be used. Normally this ability would show its 45 second cooldown.
  3. While Blessing of Winter is still on cooldown (from step 2), cast Avenging Wrath. The same issue will occur with this ability. Avenging Wrath will not show a cooldown timer. Note this only seems to happen to Avenging Wrath while Blessing of Winter is still on cooldown.

not just holy paladin, was happening on enhance shaman as well. Was watching a stream where it was happening and people in chat were reporting same thing. but its not happening to everyone (or many people, since i dont see many posts about it), so thinking it might be an addon issue or something.


Good to hear it’s happening to others as well.

I tried disabling all addons and it still happens, so it seems like a WoW problem


Can confirm the same is happening to me.

You can include Hammer of Justice on the list as well.
CD doesn’t show when used while Blessing of Winter is on cd.

I’m randomly unable to cast Avenging Wrath. I think it’s just not displaying a cooldown for me as well.

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Can confirm this. Winter and Avenging Wrath aren’t working correctly.

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Same thing happened on my DK. Did some arenas last night with my guild, first time playing since the 10.1.7 patch on Tuesday. In one match, my Abom Limb wouldn’t fire even though it was showing off CD. I pressed the keybind, clicked the bar, even opened the spellbook and clicked the icon. Nothing.

I thought it was just me, but my healer (HPal) said some of his abilities were doing that in 2 matches.

Can we get an acknowledgment that you recognize the issue blizzard? please?

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Having the same issue. Steps to reproduce it:

  1. Cast Blessing of Seasons until Autumn is usable.
  2. Cast Blessing of Autumn.

Here Blessing of Winter will show as usable, even tho it’s on a 45s cooldown.

  1. Wait 45 seconds until Blessing of Winter is usable.
  2. Cast Blessing of Winter.
  3. Cast Avenging Wrath.

Here Avenging Wrath will show as immediately usable, even tho it’s on a 2m cooldown.


Can also confirm this issue as well! I’ve also had all my spells gray out occasionally, notably most often in Enigma Crucible - while Blessing of Winter is on cooldown.

Adding Hammer of Justice to the list of spells affected by Blessing of Winter.

  1. Cast Blessing of Winter.
  2. Cast Hammer of Justice.

Here Hammer of Justice will show as usable, even tho it’s actually on cooldown.

It also only happens while Blessing of Winter is active.

Also, I found out that once you can see blessing of winter as useable even tho its on cd, and you try to use divine favor, it will grey out all of your spells.

I disabled all addons, scan and repaired wow, and even had a complete reinstall of wow, and still nothing fixes that problem. Please help.


This is still happening for me, what about anyone else?

It’s been bugged since 10.1.7 was released. I had a new one today. Tyr’s Deliverance wasn’t showing it’s CD. Even checking blizzard’s api says it’s off CD when it’s not. Seems to happen with a few spells if you cast them when Blessing of Winter is the next Blessing to cast but isn’t off the CD yet but shows itself as off the CD.

I haven’t seen any of this happen when I don’t talent Blessing of Summer.

As user Geofftree reported earlier, I think this issue corresponds to the blessing of seasons talent. I am also having the same issue with blessing of seasons/avenging wrath. I only just started playing holy paladin though so I can’t confirm if this is new or not.

Interesting enough, when this issue occurs, both my weak aura and action bar icons are saying that avenging wrath is usable/off cooldown, but I cannot activate.

Can confirm this issue occurs when the Awakening talent has not procced. Originally I thought that maybe this talent was preventing me from using Avenging Wrath, but that is not the case.

As of today, September 13, 2023, this issue continues to be a significant concern for me. I can verify that all the points raised in previous threads remain unresolved in the game. Could we have someone address this and work on a solution? I appreciate your assistance!


The silver lining of this bug is that I learned Merciful Auras isn’t as horrendous as I thought it was in Keys. Blessing feels like too much grief until it’s fixed.

Same lol just lost 100 rating due to not knowing when my abilities are on cool down happening on ret as well not just holy pally seems to be cc and utilities

Bumping this. Extremely frustrating. Seems to be an issue with any ability that quickens cooldown recovery rates.

Bump… Avenging Wrath and Blessing of Winter still broken. Acknowledge that you know what’s going on Blizzard and that you’re fixing it because, according to these posts, it’s been two weeks.