Some Diablo posts moved to

11/05/2018 01:52 PMPosted by Bojanglz
11/05/2018 01:09 PMPosted by Elestial
Forums>Games, Gaming, Hardware

Nice place to stick it so it gets lost

Those MVPs hard at work.

I may be in a bad mood.

And what does Diablo have to do with WoW exactly? Absolutely NOTHING. Hence why it is moved. Read what General Discussion is about and let me know if it says "Discussion of Blizzard games" or "Discussion about WoW".

Oh let's be honest.

The haters are really just upset they can't spam more hate using Diablo here.

That's the root thing here. The whole "is it really off-topic, huh mods?" thing is just that root thing being expressed.
11/05/2018 01:50 PMPosted by Levíathan
Wow has to do with war, but discussing WW2 in not appropriate here.
Wow has to do with gear, but discussing motorcycle jackets is not appropriate here.
Wow has to do with economy, but discussing the fiscal year here is not appropriate.
Wow has to do with video games, but discussing other video games is not appropriate.

None of this is related to the argument that I formed. My argument was that the state of Blizzard(the company that makes this game) can be analyzed through other games it makes, such as Diablo. Because WoW is made by Blizzard, the state of Blizzard and non-WoW games it makes is relevant to WoW. Keep in mind, we are discussing the overall state of the Diablo franchise, not specific details of it, such as the mechanics of certain boss.
11/05/2018 01:50 PMPosted by Levíathan
The topic is World of Warcraft, Binkywares.

Wow has to do with war, but discussing WW2 in not appropriate here.
Wow has to do with gear, but discussing motorcycle jackets is not appropriate here.
Wow has to do with economy, but discussing the fiscal year here is not appropriate.
Wow has to do with video games, but discussing other video games is not appropriate.

Rationalize all you want to keep your narrative going, but the fact remains that relevancy and topic are not mutually inclusive. Besides, your "logic" doesn't matter to those who set the rules as they intend them to be.
11/05/2018 01:26 PMPosted by Binkywares
You have failed to discover a flaw in my reasoning; you are welcome to try again.
It's not a flaw in your reasoning, it's with your reasoning. You, however, are welcome to form an argument without causal fallacy.

Sure, okay, but we also have a pizza thread floating around the front page of GD that nobody seems very concerned with moving for its off-topicness.

There's one thread, where as multiple Diablo threads were being spammed.

Also the Diablo threads are openly divisive and trying to stir trouble.

The pizza threads are just players having fun.

If someone can't see the difference between the two situations, it's simply and flatly because they don't want to - because they're pushing the "Blizzard sucks" agenda instead.
Damn they must be running around like blue !@#$ flies with all this damage control BUT can't keep up with it. Its out of control. Every turn more is popping up, the more they try the worse its getting. If they left it alone it would have died down by now, but choose the wrong option inciting people by trying to silence them.. someone got it awfully wrong, very bad judgement call on Blizzard part.
11/05/2018 01:59 PMPosted by Snowfox
The whole "is it really off-topic, huh mods?" thing is just that root thing being expressed.

Blizzcon just happened, this is a direct reflection on Blizzard as a whole.

It's big picture kinda stuff. I know you want to pretend that as long as you're here posting all is well that's the truth, but I'm sorry it isn't so.

It's actually spurred all sorts of thoughts directly related to wow.

Example: Discussion of WoW Mobile.

I know you want the "classic threads" on the "classic forums" too, but that brigade is a little tired.

It's all related.
11/05/2018 02:07 PMPosted by Feelthelove

Aka "basic forum moderation to remove spam", hyped up to volume 11 by doomsayers.
11/05/2018 01:31 PMPosted by Valdaram
Its not okay to talk about Diablo, a blizzard game, on another blizzard game's forums but it is totally fine to talk about pizza flavors on the WoW forums.

I see no bias here at all...

To be fair, there is no dedicated pizza forum. However, there is a dedicated Diablo forum.
Maybe they need to have a Blizz haters forum where all the haters can vent about anything Blizzard. We can call it a Constructive/Non-Constructive Criticism Forum.
11/05/2018 02:06 PMPosted by Snowfox
Sure, okay, but we also have a pizza thread floating around the front page of GD that nobody seems very concerned with moving for its off-topicness.

There's one thread, where as multiple Diablo threads were being spammed.

Also the Diablo threads are openly divisive and trying to stir trouble.

The pizza threads are just players having fun.

If someone can't see the difference between the two situations, it's simply and flatly because they don't want to - because they're pushing the "Blizzard sucks" agenda instead.

Honestly, I can't see the difference between a pizza thread and a Diablo III hate thread when the stated criteria for moving it out of GD is whether or not it's off-topic.

Is one thread more anti-blizzard? Sure. Does Blizzard need to keep it up on GD? Of course not. But to move it "because it's off-topic" is a bit insincere, considering the shenanigans that go on here on a regular basis.
11/05/2018 02:06 PMPosted by Snowfox
There's one thread, where as multiple Diablo threads were being spammed.

Also the Diablo threads are openly divisive and trying to stir trouble.

The pizza threads are just players having fun.

If someone can't see the difference between the two situations, it's simply and flatly because they don't want to - because they're pushing the "Blizzard sucks" agenda instead.

Honestly, I can't see the difference between a pizza thread and a Diablo III hate thread when the stated criteria for moving it out of GD is whether or not it's off-topic.

Not just off-topic - also spam. Also there's a Diablo forum, there's no pizza forum.

The same thing should happen to Overwatch threads being spammed here, or Starcraft threads being spammed here, or Hearthstone threads being spammed here.

These aren't the Overwatch, Starcraft, or Hearthstone forums.
11/05/2018 01:38 PMPosted by Binkywares
11/05/2018 01:36 PMPosted by Xenya
Who are you? Oh right forum royalty... only you can go on and on and on about FARTS and get up votes.

I don't want or need to convince you of anything.

You really have a poor memory too btw.

Do not reduce yourself to his level by using ad hominem attacks. Defeat him with logic. He has still failed to disprove my reasoning.
Defeat? Boy you lot are delusional,if a mod felt the topics need to be moved,locked or deleted,they're going to be deleted first off. Second off,way to keep ignoring the fact MVPs have NO modification powers on this forum,they're people who got recognition being proactive and helpful in the community but apparently green text triggers you.

Third off,why should anyone take their cues from or listen to the likes of a level 1 shadow? You're not beating anyone in this half baked crusade,youre losing your mind over a non wow related topic being moved to the gaming forums. Besides,they're mostly salty threads that should have been 404'd anyway.
11/05/2018 01:11 PMPosted by Somaran
Shouldn't the diablo posts be on the diablo forums?

You would think so, yet common sense is not everybodies friend.

Honestly, I can't see the difference between a pizza thread and a Diablo III hate thread when the stated criteria for moving it out of GD is whether or not it's off-topic.

Not just off-topic - also spam. Also there's a Diablo forum, there's no pizza forum.

The same thing should happen to Overwatch threads being spammed here, or Starcraft threads being spammed here, or Hearthstone threads being spammed here.

These aren't the Overwatch, Starcraft, or Hearthstone forums.

Can you point me to the Diablo Immortal forums?
Sure, okay, but as some of my fellow posters above have noted, we also have a pizza thread floating around the front page of GD that nobody seems very concerned with moving for its off-topicness.

What's happening here is the deluge of non WoW into the WoW forums. The mods are pretty lax generally, so anything that is few and far between is let go. The pizza threads that surface now and then don't drown the Wow discussions. The Political satire threads, same thing. All sparse in frequency.

But when the first several pages of a Wow forum over the course of several days are about a different game, mods tend to start cleaning up. If all those threads of the last couple days stayed to one thread, and when maxed out, stayed in subsequent remakes, chances are good it would share the same fate as the pizza threads.
11/05/2018 02:00 PMPosted by Binkywares
None of this is related to the argument that I formed. My argument was that the state of Blizzard(the company that makes this game) can be analyzed through other games it makes, such as Diablo. Because WoW is made by Blizzard, the state of Blizzard and non-WoW games it makes is relevant to WoW. Keep in mind, we are discussing the overall state of the Diablo franchise, not specific details of it, such as the mechanics of certain boss.
That was actually a great rebuttal until
11/05/2018 02:00 PMPosted by Binkywares
Keep in mind, we are discussing the overall state of the Diablo franchise
If one wants to speculate here on the possible influences/repercussions on the state of Wow based off what one of the other franchises is doing, then do so with Wow, not the state of the Diablo franchise.
11/05/2018 02:15 PMPosted by Vhex
11/05/2018 01:11 PMPosted by Somaran
Shouldn't the diablo posts be on the diablo forums?

You would think so, yet common sense is not everybodies friend.

Yup, no link at all to Blizzard.

There wasn't a convention where they talked about both that just happened.

I could see if we were talking about a game made by a different company... oh wait they are. Maybe that's why?
<span class="truncated">...</span>
Not just off-topic - also spam. Also there's a Diablo forum, there's no pizza forum.

The same thing should happen to Overwatch threads being spammed here, or Starcraft threads being spammed here, or Hearthstone threads being spammed here.

These aren't the Overwatch, Starcraft, or Hearthstone forums.

Can you point me to the Diablo Immortal forums?

Sure, the Diablo forums are here:

Which, by any use of logic or reason whatsoever, is the better place for Diablo topics than the WoW forums.
dont play diablo if you dont like it....peace.
11/05/2018 02:14 PMPosted by Damalys
if a mod felt the topics need to be moved,locked or deleted,they're going to be deleted first off.

I never defended any of the threads being removed. I do, nonetheless, see many Diablo threads still up, revealing that the mods to agree with me. The ones they are removing are likely created only with the intent to "troll."

11/05/2018 02:14 PMPosted by Damalys
Second off,way to keep ignoring the fact MVPs have NO modification powers on this forum

I never made the claim that they have moderation powers.

11/05/2018 02:14 PMPosted by Damalys
Third off,why should anyone take their cues from or listen to the likes of a level 1 shadow?

Being level one is just a state of mind.

11/05/2018 02:14 PMPosted by Damalys
You're not beating anyone in this half baked crusade,youre losing your mind over a non wow related topic being moved to the gaming forums.

All I have defending in this thread is the idea that the state of Diablo is relevant to the state of WoW.

11/05/2018 02:14 PMPosted by Damalys

You seem to be projecting quite a bit in this post, considering you manufactured claims that I never made.
11/05/2018 01:25 PMPosted by Kozzae
Just as clarification, MVP's are not Blizzard employees, and we have no moderation powers in the forum, literally the only extra perk is the green text.

Don't sell MVP status short, you also get targeted harassment from paranoid posters and personal stalkers.