Some Diablo posts moved to

Forums>Games, Gaming, Hardware

Nice place to stick it so it gets lost

Those MVPs hard at work.

I may be in a bad mood.
MVPs can't move topics, only mods can. Also, they're moving them there because that's where non-WoW game topics belong on the WoW forums.
Well, it is the proper place to be posted at. General Discussions is about WoW things.
Shouldn't the diablo posts be on the diablo forums?
11/05/2018 01:10 PMPosted by Iyoma
MVPs can't move topics, only mods can. Also, they're moving them there because that's where non-WoW game topics belong on the WoW forums.

Yeah if everyone wants to talk about Diablo, why not go to the Diablo forums?

I'm here to discuss WoW with my fellow players.
11/05/2018 01:09 PMPosted by Elestial
I may be in a bad mood.

Or just completely oblivious to how things work.

1) MVP's can't move threads.
2) Diablo posts ARE off-topic for WoW forums and should be moved anyway.
3) Which they are, by moderators not mvps, because mods have that power.
I mean, they don't really belong on this section of the forums, even if they are loosely related to WoW.
The state of Blizzard is directly relevant to the state of WoW; The state of Diablo is directly relevant to the state of Blizzard. Therefore, the state of Diablo is directly relevant to the state of WoW, meaning that Diablo topics should be allowed on the WoW General Discussion Forum.
11/05/2018 01:09 PMPosted by Elestial
Forums>Games, Gaming, Hardware

Nice place to stick it so it gets lost

Those MVPs hard at work.

I may be in a bad mood.

First MVPs can't move topics.

Second Diablo discussions don't belong in the WoW general chat.

Thrid I hate people like you. You are are basically this guy.
11/05/2018 01:12 PMPosted by Kentaurus
I mean, they don't really belong on this section of the forums, even if they are loosely related to WoW.

Very loosely related. Pets, mounts and the free D3 in Cata (that's when I played Diablo).

D:I is hardware forum cuz it's on mobile. They don't have their own forum. Definitely shouldn't be on the WoW GD.
Pizza isn't exactly on topic either.

A lot of wow players are diablo players.

I do think it is good for wow players to be aware of what happens to other blizzard games.

My bad on the MVP comment. Meant MOD but there ya go. I misspoke, sue me.

I'm definitely in a bad mood.
11/05/2018 01:15 PMPosted by Binkywares
The state of Blizzard is directly relevant to the state of WoW; The state of Diablo is directly relevant to the state of Blizzard. Therefore, the state of Diablo is directly relevant to the state of WoW, meaning that Diablo topics should be allowed on the WoW General Discussion Forum.

The state of my butt is directly relevant to this post, as I am a player and this is my body; The state of my fart is directly related to my butt as that's where farts come from. Therefore, the state of my farting is directly relevant to the state of WoW, meaning that my butt topics should be allowed on the WoW General Discussion Forum.
11/05/2018 01:11 PMPosted by Somaran
Shouldn't the diablo posts be on the diablo forums?

Next you will ask for the Classic posts to be in the Classic forums!
11/05/2018 01:17 PMPosted by Snowfox
11/05/2018 01:15 PMPosted by Binkywares
The state of Blizzard is directly relevant to the state of WoW; The state of Diablo is directly relevant to the state of Blizzard. Therefore, the state of Diablo is directly relevant to the state of WoW, meaning that Diablo topics should be allowed on the WoW General Discussion Forum.

The state of my butt is directly relevant to this post, as I am a player and this is my body; The state of my fart is directly related to my butt as that's where farts come from. Therefore, the state of my farting is directly relevant to the state of WoW, meaning that my butt topics should be allowed on the WoW General Discussion Forum.

Well played.
11/05/2018 01:15 PMPosted by Binkywares
The state of Blizzard is directly relevant to the state of WoW; The state of Diablo is directly relevant to the state of Blizzard. Therefore, the state of Diablo is directly relevant to the state of WoW, meaning that Diablo topics should be allowed on the WoW General Discussion Forum.
And here we have a person who could careless about rules and what each different forums are used for. WOW GD is for World of Warcraft stuff. Not Diablo. Guess you can't understand what that means. NO Diablo on WoW GD. Diablo and Wow are different games not the same. Just because they are both owned by blizz doesn't give the right for you to post diablo stuff here.
11/05/2018 01:17 PMPosted by Snowfox
The state of my butt is directly relevant to this post, as I am a player and this is my body;

butt = body = player = post

You have failed to explain why your post is relevant to WoW. The rest of your argument falls apart due to this error is reasoning. Using your faulty reasoning, any post about any topic could be relevant to WoW because it is a post and a post in inherently WoW related.
11/05/2018 01:09 PMPosted by Elestial
Forums>Games, Gaming, Hardware

Nice place to stick it so it gets lost

Technically, this is the wow discussion forums, so it being moved is not a bad thing, but the threads still remain here with redirects for a while so they are not forgotten, and hopefully players who wish to continue the discussion will follow those threads, or continue it in the diablo forums also.

11/05/2018 01:09 PMPosted by Elestial
Those MVPs hard at work.

Just as clarification, MVP's are not Blizzard employees, and we have no moderation powers in the forum, literally the only extra perk is the green text.
11/05/2018 01:24 PMPosted by Binkywares
Using your faulty reasoning, any post about any topic could be relevant to WoW because it is a post and a post in inherently WoW related.

.. which was exactly my point.

Just because you can do a Kevin Bacon game of connecting something to WoW, doesn't make it actually relevant to the wow forums.
11/05/2018 01:22 PMPosted by Ebris
Just because they are both owned by blizz doesn't give the right for you to post diablo stuff here.

You can post Diablo stuff on here, you just shouldn't be surprised if your thread is moved to the Games/Hardware forum instead because it is off-topic.
11/05/2018 01:22 PMPosted by Ebris
WOW GD is for World of Warcraft stuff. Not Diablo. Guess you can't understand what that means. NO Diablo on WoW GD. Diablo and Wow are different games not the same. Just because they are both owned by blizz doesn't give the right for you to post diablo stuff here.

11/05/2018 01:25 PMPosted by Snowfox
.. which was exactly my point.

I have already demonstrated why Diablo is directly relevant to WoW. You have failed to discover a flaw in my reasoning; you are welcome to try again.