Some C'Thun voice lines are missing from the game

I noticed this when DBM alert sound C’Thun: You Will Die! stopped making the sound. I thought it might just be the addon, since I disabled all other addons, but this wasn’t the case. I took a trip to Ahn’Qiraj and have been sitting in there for about an hour. While in the raid, C’Thun is supposed to cycle a few voice lines, but the only one I am hearing is “Death is close”.

I then tested with another addon that allowed me to preview sound files. It played the death is close, but not “You will die”, “You will betray…” or “You are weak” as well as a few others. I’ve tried scanning and repairing the game through the blizzard launcher, but it didn’t help.

Is there other troubleshooting I should do?

My memory is extremely fuzzy on this topic, so don’t hold me to it, but I think they intentionally nerfed some of those old messages a LONG time ago. Originally, they were too creepy for a lot of players, so they changed which lines will play and how often they do so.

I remember doing Naxx40 back during vanilla and you’d frequently hear horror movie level screams and people being tortured and whatnot. It bothered a ton of players, so they made changes. When they nerfed it, I think they also nerfed AQ40’s random doom whispers.

But it’s like the sound files are gone for me. Cause is used to be the default DBM announcement sound, but now the sound file doesn’t play when triggered

Well in that case, are you sure that the addon didn’t have those sounds packed into it? It’s possible they just removed them from it at some point. You’d have to look at the changelog history or download a ton of previous versions of it and manually check the contents.

For instance, if you look in the DBM-VPVEM folder, all those *.ogg files are sound files. Not sure if they work with the default media players, but you can open them in Chrome to hear them.

I tested with another addon that can play game sound files and it also doesn’t play it there. I’ve also downgraded dbm to a patch that was released when 11.0.5 ptr came out and it too didn’t have the sound file, even though I 100% remember it there at that time.

I tried a few of his from the wowhead list and yeah, it appears they removed some of them at some point or maybe they changed the PlaySound(ID)'s for them.

At least the Kenshiro お前はもう死んでいる one still works :skull:
/script PlaySound(8581)

EDIT: You could always download the sounds off wowhead and put them in a local folder. Not 100% sure what the filepath has to be, but you could just stuff them in that DBM folder I listed earlier and they would probably show up in the list of sounds.

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