SOM xfers to WOLTK

Hello so i have been wondering with the massive ques / free character transfers / new Ekranius realm that SOM characters have been forgotten or at very least momentarily not a thought on blizzards mind at all.

We were told 1-2 months about 1 month ago now and seriously Jom’gabar is 100% dead on horde there is literally no reason to even get on the character i have 60 days played time on
id like to continue this character into WOTLK as we were promised

Another thing is that with the realms being locked when we are allowed to move, will we be able to move to example faerlina where my main character is?
If im not allowed to move to my realm i really cant see the value in even leaving SOM

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Looking for answers please

Would also love an update on this considering no one has said anything in a bit. I dont want to end up on a fresh realm or somewhere i dont have friends/guild

First the offer to copy clone to era was a less than great end game scenario, but when we were offered to transfer to WOTLK it gave a lot of people joy to know there was something that could be good for our character times we invested in

i am less worried about when but where they will allow us to go… they said we would be able to go so i suspect they’ll keep their word but with the mass que and realm stuff going on i feel like maybe they’ll offer us somewhere we do not want to go

your all going to old blanchey and you will like it


As someone who has around 35k hks and 45 days+ played time on this character with full BG exalted… Considering how hard it is to get BG exalted in TBC/wotlk without the rep from mark turn ins i want this character to make it to WOTLK live with conq title

Jom is so dead lmao why cant we just leave now please?? blizzard? please??

they better let me move to faerlina or this character will rot on SOM / ERA

It’s actually much easier in Wrath during the specific BGs weekend.

Got to Exalted in AV on a character last night in just these passed couple of days.

Blizzard said sometime between October and December.

SoM started in November. So October - December sometime.

This is the post you saw right?

Probably not. Based on things Blizzard has said very recently. That’s why waiting may be a good thing, because if queues die down you may be able to get the transfer you want.

I have two 60s I plan to bring over from SoM.

Honestly that they changed their minds from just going to Era is a good thing for people who want their toons in WotLK.

AV is extremely easy to get exalted - WSG is 105 rep per win and AB is 100 rep per win - IF you are at 0 rep for AB you need 420 game wins to get exalted

that blue post was almost a month ago and was before the whole realm que debacle and the new/fresh realms

Yeah I mean it’s fine for you to ask for more updates, have you been updating that thread too?

There probably will not be transfers before Blizzards timeline.

Also mootwo - if you have 2 characters you plan to bring over you know how dead JOM - there is NOTHING to do there you cannot play your character … if we could bring our characters now with the joyous journey buff and ability to farm BGS during prepatch for gear… that would give us something to do as my 4 other 70s already have full brutal gear

Yes, I do. I have an ally and a horde on Jom (2 accounts) and you are correct.

It would be nice to bring our toons over to where we want if we already have a character on that realm anyway on Wrath C now.

Last time Faerlina was locked, you could not transfer characters, even if you had characters on Faerlina. You could create a new character if you had characters though.

AFAIK, at some point you won’t have a choice to stay in SoM. It’s either Classic Era or WotLK Classic.

The thing is in regards to Faerlina being locked if you look at the player base of SOM and the amount of people who even care on the forums is even lower… allowing us to move to our existing character realms honestly the numbers would be insignificant… I made this post because i am concerned blizzard has the least amount of care for us and our characters and we have been placed on the back burner while promised the chance to move to WOTLK mean while we are forced to sit on 100000% dead realms with nothing to do because they are caught up in their other more pressing issues

Yeah, I think it’s a silly to keep people away, but I’m also not a proponent of locking realms or character transfers in general, so…

I just hope everyone gets to enjoy the game they want to. But I suspect that by the time SoM winds down, queues will no longer be an issue anyway.

Oh ok.

I haven’t really noticed anything other than AV rep gains.

I have Conquerer on my Mage from Vanilla but that was 7 different mains ago now.

He’s level 70 still in Nax/AQ gear.