SoM Transfers or Merge Need to happen

Blizzard went over all their reasons why they won’t do server mergers. So those who are hoping for them, you are flat out of luck.

Transfers too seem unlikely. If they do do transfers then you can say good-bye to all servers but Jom Gabbar. Personally I dislike being extorted like that so then this will be the end of my SoM character, unless they offer free transfers. And they won’t do that if they can help it.

I at least read a brochure or two before I commit to someplace for a vacation.

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I mean, where to transfer though? the already full server? whcih is a pvp one?
Wouldnt be better to just make 3 mega servers, pve, pvp and rp?

Out of curiosity, where are all the non PvP Oceanic players? I have a 58 on Lionheart with an eye elsewhere considering how tiny the population is. I’ve got one on Obsidian Edge but am wondering if the Oceanic PvE players are there or Shadowstrike.

Agreed! Must happen!

Exactly. You don’t care, therefore I don’t care about SoM, either. Guess we’re even. Here’s the rest of the quote you conveniently left out:

We need SoM server transfers pls … A lot of us stuck in dead servers with high level characters … a lot of people quited or waiting for transfer to keep playing, no one will lvl a alt in a dead server where in case transfers come all ur alts will be abandoned, no one will grind for gold if the economy is bad and nothing sells in the AH … holidays are over, December is over, alot of people go back to normal life and dont have time to reroll …

Still searching for help…. Transfers? Merges? Pulling the plug? Any of them would be better than watching the population dwindle below 50. I want to pay you more money so bad!!! Make your shareholders happy by offering xfers


what he said ^

Have you considered rerolling, friend?

Bumping for Blizzard to open up character transfers or merge all PvE and PvP realms into a single server. Oh, and F off and F you, Glinda. We’re unsubscribing until Blizzard meets our demands. You’re not helping the company by defending their apathy towards the Season of Mastery community - you’re just furthermore costing Blizzard subscriptions. /spit

Perhaps a hug would help, friend.

Godspeed young rouge.

You will be missed.



Why on God’s green earth would you merge PVE and PVP? There is plenty of action on Shadowstrike, so there is definitely a PVE demand. And, of course, the same can be said for Jom.

I mean, combining PVP to one and PVE to another could have potential, but combining everyone onto ONE server is just nonsense.

(If that’s not what you meant then I apologize, but it is what you said)


I think they meant one PvP one PvE but it’s hard to understand them when their teeth are made of leather!