SoM does not pass the common sense Smell Test

World buffs considerably shorten raid time, even if you wipe. Yes. They used them. Do tell me, how making mc longer makes this game challenging? Can you name me one major speed run/pve guild that is going to play this?

I can’t because I don’t have a crystal ball. But there have already been multiple guild recruitment posts on the forums so I’m sure there will be lots.

No prestigious guilds who provided lots of classic content will play this. Of course there will be guild recruitment…

I’m positive the big sweaty “prestigious” guilds will be back also.

Oh do you think so? I am friends with a lot of these people. They are not coming

“I have a friend who won’t play… therefore nobody will play.”

Go watch streams of people in these groups. Everyone is on new world.

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I mean only raid loggers didn’t grind in classic. I grinded through out classic. Also just to point out something there is still some buffs that can be farmed outside of raid.

I would imagine my blasted land zone won’t be so empty this go around in som.

25 agi, sta, str, int and spirit will probably come in handy.

Much of what you’re saying is accurate.

MOST guilds will resort to running splits to gear up mains. You will be bored out of your mind playing multiple alts all so you can assure your carry classes get the gear that they need. That will be the hardcore meta. Playing 3-4 characters. Getting gear on one.

Hopefully they have time to farm between so many raids!

yes, and even back 15 years ago with no WBs and no guides, we didn’t take 10 hours to clear MC, lol

new world is just FOTM; they’ll move on to something else soon

Idk bro, it looks like a good game so far

all reviews I heard about it say it’s fun for awhile but has zero end game to speak of

after reading some of the comments to your post I can conclude that most people’s brains have melted, no one can agree on what they want SOM to be therefore the devs don’t know what to do or probably don’t care. I feel most people with common sense went to darrowshire they are so legit they don’t have a cash shop nor will accept donations they just love wow and want people to play there. I will be making a orc shammy there

This 100% for me. I look forward to being able to get pvp gear out of the gate. I might even push for rank 14.

If loot drop rates are adjusted. Then I might be interested in raiding again, if not no big deal. I have pvp to fall back on.

Thank you for bumpn’

Yea, and people want this. The intent of SoM is to deliver an experience more true to Vanilla, where people weren’t hyper-optimized and able to speed run the content. I mean, consider my own experience…

In Vanilla I played in a server first guild, first on a hunter where I just wore whatever gear I got that was mail and played a mix of survival and marksman, and then later a druid healer who was half-feral and stacked intel (becuz mana lulz) and barely downranked heals.

By contrast, in Classic I played a druid healer that read all the guides and got everything off my pre-bis slot. I guarantee you I had more +heal in my dungeon gear going into MC than I did in my mix of BWL/AQ40 going into Naxx back in the day.

I just didn’t know any better… and that’s ok! But the experience I got in Classic was not the same. I had a good time for the parts I played, but things were too easy. That’s what this is intended to simulate, for those who want it.

If that’s not up people’s alley (and that’s ok!!!), then CE and TBC servers exists where hyper-optimized play can trivialize most of the content. There’s still fun to be had in that kind of atmosphere for sure, but SoM offers something different for players to try.

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Lol then you and your other “hard mode” copers shall enjoy your borderline dead server when it’s out.


insinuated … you assumed they wanted Classic to remain the abomination that it became. 1.12, world buffs, things rolling over and dying, minimal time commitment, etc. You assumed they wanted to keep that face roll feel. You were wrong it seems, and that’s a good thing.

Players might actually have to do some work on their own instead of following a flow chart.