SoM: Cancel BG Weekends

BG weekends were not part of the original classic WoW experience and are solely benefitting premades. Anyone who is not in a top end premade is better off completely avoiding the weekend BG and joining something else. All you are doing is setting a trap for your more casual playerbase (the ones that pay the bills) to feed them to premade trolls every weekend. You are incentivizing bad gameplay.

What? BG weekends absolutely were in Vanilla. So were premades.


Perhaps you would enjoy battleground weekends more if you joined a premade?


Farmed :corn: :man_farmer:

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And not benefitting you?

I see what’s bothering you now.

No Glinda, we would not enjoy making premades to cheat and win. There is no joy and no real honor in winning an unfair match. It is not about being on the outside looking in. It is about wanting a game to be fair.


Remove guilds while we’re at it. I refuse to let them gear faster than me with their split run groups and organized pre-bis farming!!11!!11!



sounds like someone got rinsed

When did forming a group become cheating?

This just in: “grouping in a dungeon is cheating” says local Ghouls

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El oh El.

This man really just say getting in a group to play the game is cheating?

I’ve now heard it all. LOL

I’m having fun premading and meeting new people so I’ll keep doing it.


TIL forming a group is cheating

I agree with removing BG weekends. In general I think player created problems shouldn’t be touched, but I doubt a change like this would move the needle towards making people want to quit one bit.

It’s specific to AV weekend though. The BG community basically abandons the other BGs when this one occurs. I say off with its head.

Agreed Farmed :corn: :man_farmer:

Calm down there with your out of touch demands .

Fair is when the same opportunities are made available to everyone. Everyone has the opportunity to join or make their own premade bg group. Even you. That’s called fair.

Everyone having something taken away because you don’t like it is called not fair. See how that works? Ok, good talk. :+1:

Being a DK obviously u don’t know what was in classic since ur class wasn’t. Go make a char on a classic realm. Educate yourself and come back and apologize to everyone that has replied or even read this uneducated topic.

K thx.

They abandon the other bgs when it’s not there weekend. I believe the only one that isn’t is wsg because pugs still que and premades can still roll them and get more hph than they can in AB because they can still face some resistance on that weekend from pugs and other premades.

Unless it’s different in som I’m not at the 60 bracket yet.