SoM 2 PvP Leak; Will NOT Play!

I know era was less popular. It doesn’t even need an elaborate answer why. somw as fresh, era wasnt. point blank. comparing the two is nonsensical

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makes no sense to copy retail pvp when those systems only work for that version of the game. Even though the ranking system is VERY flawed, it does require more community input than the retail system (just in the wrong way). Vanilla has the right framework for pvp updates:

  1. ranking without decay can work. But you can’t let the players decide the caps, especially without a proper built in UI. Has to have the decay removed so the focus should be on killing the enemy instead of worrying about brackets and your own faction trying to muscle in.
  2. the original devs intended to use the rep system in a more grander way for gear, but they ran out of time. This would be a great idea to force players in the world, by putting the r10,r13, and r14 items in the zones the BG’s portals are held. You still have to unlock through ranking, but you can adjust the ranking time alot lower, and force players to hit exalted on a newly created world faction near the portal to get their gear.
  3. which brings me to the next point. MORE WORLD PVP OBJECTIVES. Kevin Jordan mentioned he always thought the game needed more locations to show how much at war the two factions were at. great idea to revamp the towers in EPL, add content to underused areas like ashara or low quest zones. And then you can add pvp oriented gear to those revered/friendly ranks in the same vein as the av/ab/wsg vendors do, where the gear might be great for those working on their r14 grind, but not necessarily pure bis for the entire phase 6.

I hope the devs remember why vanilla is such a magical game in the first place, and remembering that some retail features are not the fix they think they are.

Seasonal play is a self-defeating model, garbage design for an MMORPG

You worried that seasonal pvp will make it impossible for you to wait until nobody is playing to “achieve” rank 14 with zero competition and barely any HKs?

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Obsess over someone else GDKP trash

Hindsight but I wonder if there is any validity to OPs claims now that we know we are getting PvP changes.

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I experienced the old ranking system in 2004 and 2019, and it is 100% trash. The time sink isn’t fun and the fact that players can manipulate the brackets and hold rank 14 hostage is BULL.

You realize players were squeezing gold out of other players below them to release rank 14?

Bring on the changes!!!


Its funny how people hyperfixate on gdkp runs being a “problem” because of bad actors that RMT in them.

Yet nobody bats an eye at the pvp rankers that are spending 100% of their playtime doing an activity that generates zero gold yet they can afford to pop lips/faps,sappers, ect. Every game for months straight without ever stopping to farm gold.:thinking:


I think they opened up box for changes with SoM (and actually even with Classic Era with the chronoboon displacer), so SoM II is fair game, imo. At the end of the day, you’ll most likely be able to transfer that toon over to Classic Era servers, if that’s your thing.

If not, well… you have a pretty good point with:

R14 has to have value to even get devalued. All it was back in 2019 was a team carrying a certain person and people paying a person to do pool parties to increase the pool size due to lack of participation.

What blizzard needs to work on is the integrity of the pvp system personal sounds great. Fixing the terrain in wsg where it can be exploited basically by one class is another step they should take. Wont be popular but they should also fix the gy camping elevate them and allow people to be immune while in the gy.

During classic people were working from home had more time to work and play at the same time. Now things are nearly back to normal and the disdain for the system would most likely turn alot of players off from the ranking system.


Stop Talking about retail, You know nothing about retail, died on RFC, can’t imagine how would You play on a +20.

Pvp grind in classic is not about skill is just about being part of a mafia and share accounts.

I would be surprised if this kind of people get past 1400 in retail pvp.

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I was griefed in RFC, thanks :expressionless:
Pretty low blow to bring that up.

To be fair, you literally announced it here by creating a thread. Even the smallest drop creates a ripple …

̶P̶i̶c̶t̶u̶r̶e̶s̶ Sauce or it didn’t happen.

How, its an instance. Did you die because bad at level 14 instance?

He said the healer wasn’t healing him. It could have been griefing or maybe someone’s nine year old was piloting the character. You never really know.


Well that’s just the risk of playing a casual MMO at a low level dungeon. Don’t do it I suppose if you’re on a HC challenge run.

It’s a good thing you aren’t the spokesperson for classic nor does it appear blizzard is listening to what you have to say. You don’t even pvp, you ranked with 4k HKs and have never picked up a flag in your life. Stay out of our pvp discussions with that garbage


Bruh. The OP mentioned a leak about incoming era pvp changes about 3 months ago (March 9th)

The blue post talking about incoming era pvp changes happened only 16 days ago…

Yeah which lends massive credence to that part of the leak. I’m not sure what is meant by the rest of it, are these retail features?

Takes ZERO skill to grind up to R14 in Classic. All it takes is a lot of time. Doesnt matter how many you win or lose. You can get R14 in less than 20k HKs done.