SoM 2 PvP Leak; Will NOT Play!

To be fair, you literally announced it here by creating a thread. Even the smallest drop creates a ripple …

̶P̶i̶c̶t̶u̶r̶e̶s̶ Sauce or it didn’t happen.

How, its an instance. Did you die because bad at level 14 instance?

He said the healer wasn’t healing him. It could have been griefing or maybe someone’s nine year old was piloting the character. You never really know.


Well that’s just the risk of playing a casual MMO at a low level dungeon. Don’t do it I suppose if you’re on a HC challenge run.

It’s a good thing you aren’t the spokesperson for classic nor does it appear blizzard is listening to what you have to say. You don’t even pvp, you ranked with 4k HKs and have never picked up a flag in your life. Stay out of our pvp discussions with that garbage


Bruh. The OP mentioned a leak about incoming era pvp changes about 3 months ago (March 9th)

The blue post talking about incoming era pvp changes happened only 16 days ago…

Yeah which lends massive credence to that part of the leak. I’m not sure what is meant by the rest of it, are these retail features?

Takes ZERO skill to grind up to R14 in Classic. All it takes is a lot of time. Doesnt matter how many you win or lose. You can get R14 in less than 20k HKs done.


Nice! Love it, can’t wait for SOM now.

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Honestly not needed; they touch the classes and Ill just stay ERA…

if they touch ERA im canceling my ERA account.

As for PvP system changes … meh, whatever.

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My PvP buddies and I use very few consumes because we dont buy gold, and actually play the game as originally intended.

We win way more than not.


Nah some classes need some changes


Isn’t SoM supposed to be different? Classic has many flaws, we must stop pretending. Making different classes/specs actually viable sounds amazing.
I do agree however they should always have a fresh classic era completely untouched.

I’m sure it does to you, miss vulpera :expressionless:

I didn’t know you had to RP on these forums… my bad. Here’s my character that I’ve had since 2005.

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that night elf hunter looks funny, like it’s wearing retail gear :expressionless:

You ok bud? I did say “the character that I had since 2005” which technically puts vanilla as retail originally does it not?

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what is that purply thing on the chest :expressionless:

I had no choice but to move on from the past. You however are stuck in it. I wish you well.

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Just using voice chat or making an effort to communicate through in game chat actually sets you above like 99% of the pugs out there. It’s actually surprising how little effort most people make to communicate with the team. Consumes are unnecessary try hard. If you’re actually try hard ranking you might as well just throw the match if you queued up against another premade if the first fight didn’t go well.