SoM 2, Flex raids?

With the quick cadence in seasonal, that would be something that could be a productive change.

Again with seasonal’s speed run through content, I could see this change being beneficial as well.

Agree. Some of the big changes presented here could really help seasonal servers and why I would support that.
These things for Era? No, not so much.


The issue with everyone here saying “40 mans is what MAKES classic” is that you’re confused. You think that Seasonal WoW is just classic fresh with some QoL changes, when it’s meant to be the complete opposite. Seasonal WoW is meant to flip the script. Seasonal WoW isn’t fresh servers, it’s fresh gameplay. If you’re change adverse and clutching to the flogged, dead body of classic like it’s the only thing you know and love - Seasonal WoW probably isn’t for you - and that’s ok! Hopefully you get what you want with a fresh server launch.

Flex raids will help address server population issues, simple as that. Most of the Seasonal servers died off fairly quick last season, especially Oceanic. Some changes like flex raids will help prevent this from happening. Oh and guess what! You want to still raid 40 man? Go ahead, flex raids doesn’t prevent you from doing so. It just means that when you’re 13th member who promised you he wasn’t going to quit, decides to go play the pokies on raid night and not show up, you can still complete the content and progress your team.


i’m disappointed in you yama. 25 man raids? you’re better than this :expressionless:

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that’s what it is. nobody is gonna play your stupid “flip the script” frankenstein game :expressionless:

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Sorry mate, but I think you’ve been mislead. That’s not what Seasonal WoW is, otherwise they’d run out of changes each season, right? It’d just be the same version of Classic each time - it’s just not what they’re trying to achieve. You’ll understand that when the next iteration is released, and it’s called something different. Each Season will represent the changes, Mastery was about tougher raids and “mastering” the content. Next Season will be something different, it’s not just QoL changes.


That wasn’t a particularly mature response, is it?

Maybe you can clear something up for me as it is somewhat confusing. If you’re not interested in SoM generally, why are you even part of this thread?

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I am extremely interested in SoM. I want to save SoM2 from people like you who seek to turn it into retail 2.0 :expressionless:

Retail and “Changes” players refusing to accept that no matter the changes they add, it’ll never be enough. Y’all will never be happy. It’ll be flex raids that’ll “save” SoM servers. Then it’ll be dual spec that saves it. Then definitely transmog. Then pet battles.

Maybe Seasonal servers aren’t the answer. Maybe the players that can’t enjoy Classic will have to move on.
Maybe it’s just plain Jane vanilla WoW that is what we all come back to.

The wild thing about Seasonal WoW is that they could bring those changes in, and if it sucks - take them right back out. Crazy huh? You all need to have a more adaptive mindset to this version of the game, don’t be afraid to try something a little different. And if you don’t like it, you legitimately just don’t have to play. There’s still classic, classic era and retail.


Sounds like that came directly out of a retail players mouth.

“Accept these changes, they are for the betterment of the game. You will like these changes”.

Completely and utterly missing the entire point of Classic. When is it enough? When will it ever be enough to the point where you are “content” and don’t need more changes? Because the way I see it and see these forums is that it never will be and soon enough, we will have some Willy Wonka retail-Vanilla garbage fire that no one plays. All because “we should be more open minded to change”.

Classic era isn’t going anywhere lol. Seasonal from the first season was in place to try new things and add changes. No ones asking to turn it into a replica of retail. If you are unhappy with whatever changes are made, continue playing classic era and love it for what it is.

I can next to guarantee no one on this thread wants transmog or pet battles. All of us are just after a wow version we love and if that is not SoM for you, then stick to classic era continuing to be the wonderful game that it is.


I mean you can respond by hurling insults if it makes you feel better. But at the end of the day, you’re still saying the same thing: “you’re missing the entire point of classic” - it’s not classic bro, its seasonal :slight_smile:


We’re not talking about classic mate lol. We’re talking about SoM. Your “Go BaCk To ReTaIl” Mentality is just looking a bit silly now. None of us are talking about changing classic era in ANY way.

This is a SoM conversation :slight_smile:

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Enjoy your Retail-Classic with all the crap that hollowed the game out 🫡 at least you are willing to go down with the ship.

Appreciate that lad <3, thank you.

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SoM IS classic. you don’t seem to get this :expressionless:

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Arielba/Capella/Eyr has been dunked on pretty hard in this forum.
It’s all gut no glory.

I’ve offered them a MasterClass credit to use for help with getting a grip on reading comprehension. But maybe they just like clowns as role models.

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you two are trying to rewrite history :expressionless: SoM was always about being a fresh vanilla classic season with minor changes. if you turn it into retail 2.0, what are the people who want fresh vanilla seasonal supposed to do? they’ll be quitting, and so will most of the people who try your frankenstein game.

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That’s not what it’s been about at all, how is harder raids a QoL change?

call it whatever you want. it’s a minor change that was supposed to address the fact that most people felt the raids were too easy. what it didn’t do was disrupt the feeling of classic, which getting rid of 40 man raids certainly would.

and no, i don’t want 40 man raids to be optional. i want them REQUIRED. you can learn to live with it, as vanilla classic players have done for years. if you’re missing some people, invite pugs. it’s not difficult.

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