SOLVED: Stop Nerfing Movement Abilities

Divine Steed is getting nerfed hard on the PTR. 3 seconds baseline with +2 seconds from Templar will be 5 seconds versus 8 seconds that we have now. WHY???

Update: Moved this to the PTR forum.

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To nerf paladins’ ability to keep up in dungeons?

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I was under the impression that they were lowering the duration but effectively increasing the amount of times you can use it. I kind of glanced over it because I was hurrying out the door for work so maybe I’m wrong.

The total duration is being nerfed even without that talent. Baseline reduced. Seasoned Warhorse removed. It’s really dumb to give us 2 more seconds of Divine Steed with hero talents and then later remove 3 seconds. It’s like they’re asking themselves the question, “How can we make players unhappy?”

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I always get annoyed when I see new class changes are coming because I know that blizzard is just going to make things even worse.

Are you sure?

There’s also no note about Divine Steed’s duration being nerfed, so it should still be 5 seconds baseline. If its not, then report it as a bug and don’t assume its intentional.

Edit: I hopped on the PTR to check and do some testing. Bizarrely. Divine Steed is 3 seconds baseline for Holy and Prot, but its 4 seconds for Ret. Still assuming bug and its supposed to be 5 seconds baseline as before.

Edit 2: Prot is 3 seconds on Live, I had Warmode on. Oops.


Well, that’s a relief. Thank you for looking at it. If it’s 4 seconds for Ret and seasoned warhorse is a baseline passive, then it’s unchanged.

Double checking vs live, its only the Protection version of Divine Steed thats getting nerfed, if its intentional. Holy and Ret is unchanged. I wasn’t aware each spec had different durations for it, very goofy.

The current values for Live vs PTR are:

Prot - 5 baseline, 7 SWH → 3 baseline, 5 SWH
Ret - 4 baseline, 6 SWH → 4 baseline, 6 SWH
Holy - 3 baseline, 5 SWH → 3 baseline, 5 SWH

Edit: Oops, I had War Mode on when I was testing on Live, Doh! Prot is 3 seconds baseline like Holy.