[Solved] Glitch: Cannot Progress Quest "Calling of the Council"

Howdy Y’all,

I have encountered an error with the Legion quest “Calling of the Council”. I am meant to meet Khadgar in Dalaran to progress the quest, but he fails to be found in his proper location (outside of Violet Citadel). Instead, Khadgar is found comfortably with his friends in the Violet Citadel.

Furthermore, there is an option to enter a portal from Orgimmar to Dalaran; however, there is no portal to be found.

I have submitted a support ticket, but a blizzard employee informed me they could not find a fix for this bug, and have directed me here.

Any help would be much appreciated,

Thank you.

So just to check… when you’re looking for Khadgar in Dalaran, is it in the Broken Isles? Or is it in the Dalaran over Karazhan?

Also with the optional portal from Orgrimmar to Dalaran, there used to be more portals around. Unfortunately, you’ll have to head to Deadwind Pass manually for the quest.


My Dalaran is currently in the Broken Isles. Okay so just to clarify, I can speak with Khadgar at Deadwind Pass to continue the quest?

Yeah, that sounds like you’re looking at the wrong Dalaran. (At this point in the quest there are THREE Dalarans out there in the world. Isn’t that weird?)

The quest says, “Meet Khadgar in Dalaran at its new location above Deadwind Pass.” Head over there and you’ll find the actual Khadgar you need to talk with.

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Okay sounds good. Thank you so much for your time!

Any time! Happy questing.

Ok this thread helped me out a TONNNNNNNE.

I abandoned the mission when the quest log directions were sending me in circles earlier on in the game. Later I realize its’ an integral piece to the story so I picked it up again and followed your advice Jodariel! TY. I would have ended up in a completely different scenario at level 58 had this quest been a success earlier on…

Some more handy tips:

  • The portal in Cleft of Shadow Orgrimmar doesn’t exist
  • The portal in the Orgrimmar portal room goes to the Dalaran Northrend (wrong one)
  • Take the zeppelin from Orgrimmar to Stranglethorn Eastern Kingdoms
  • Fly north till you hit Duskwood, then fly east. You’ll eventually see the Dalaran you’re looking for in the sky (somewhere near Twilight Grove).



So thats how to get to the second Dalaran, which i’ve done, but it shows eveyrone there except Khadger, its Lady Jaina Proudmoore in the middle. If i go through the portal, where all the portals are in Orgimar, it shows a completely different set of people there. So how do you get to the 3rd Dalaran?

This is a Lore quest, or part of the wow story right,? then why is it so broken? They should just rewrite the quest to where Khadger is for lvl 60s+ or something stupid simple. oh well

I was able to get to the correct Dalaran for this quest by taking the portal to the Undercity and flying on my dragon all the way south to Karazhan between Duskwood and Swamp of Sorrows. I figured out this was the correct Dalaran from Badbishes’ post. Thanks so much.