So This is completely new for me. This morning I had no issue at all but out of nowhere I cannot log into WOW.
The battlenet launcher works fine and I can connect to hearthstone. But whenever I try to connect to WoW it automatically kicks me back to the login screen with the message “You have been disconnected from the server. (WOW51900319)”
I have reset the UI but it did nothing. My internet connection is fine, as is every other internet application I have. It is only WoW that has an issue.
Any help would be nice!
This was fixed by following this from another post:
Do you happen to have a Killer network card? If so:
- Open Killer Control Center (can be done from windows search)
- Click the settings cogwheel in the bottom left
- Disable Advanced Stream Detect
- Retest
From what we’re seeing some quality of service programs are setting the new build of WoW to the wrong priority, which makes it disconnect. We’re even seeing really odd behavior like it only affecting certain characters on certain servers, but nonetheless disabling the QoS settings fixes. Any luck this way?
If this works, you can also manually set World of Warcraft to Priority 1 in the apps settings. If you need help with that I’d contact Killer’s support team or do some investigation online.