Hey folks. Season two on the way I hope you guys have some fun!
The easiest way to break up Que synchers is to create a simple algorithm that allows only one five man pre-made to enter a bg per side. That way five man premades can still have fun but Que synchers can’t abuse or manipulate the system. It wouldnt be a hard code to write.
It’s kind of the best for all players as premades are fun and should be allowed but the exploiting of the Que system needs to end
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Would this work for groups of 2, 3 & 4 as well? If not syncers would just split into smaller groups to get around this.
This would increase queue times massively for anyone who isn’t solo. Which might disincentivise people from syncing but would also punish a lot of players who are legitimately playing with a couple of friends and not attempting to sync.
I vote to implement true mixed-faction like Blitz has, including letting us keep our racials. This is what many of us thought we were getting in 11.0.7 but as usual we got some half-baked implementation that caused more problems than solved. Because now it is easier than ever to dodge other premades by just jumping across to the other faction. The side effect of this might be that syncers might just start throwing games but I honestly think that is unlikely as it would feel really bad to let the other team win just because your friends are on it. Also it would clearly violate ToS.
The fix needs to be something that:
- Splits multiple groups up across either side and gives them no way of manipulating this.
- Doesn’t punish the average player or small group (queueing as 5 is intended. Especially in an Epic BG which is where a majority of the Syncing is happening, a group of 5 can’t carry an 80 person bg).
- Doesn’t drastically increase queue times.
Oh for sure we don’t want to screw with Que times we need to pool everyone together now in order to get games. Blizz has effectively ruined the PvP population.
I agree we don’t want to punish the legit PvP player.
The other solution is to ban Que synchers and start getting the PvP population healthy again. Appreciate your insight
While I don’t agree with queue-syncing and would never do it in a million years, I still don’t feel its bannable. Blizzard have just dropped the ball on this one by allowing it to continue for so long without any regard for how detrimental it is for the game. I don’t blame the playerbase for taking the path of least resistance in an MMO. It’s what WoW players have and will always do.
It’s on Blizzard to configure their matchmaking in a way in which it isn’t so easily exploitable. Plenty of people have given different suggestions on how they could do this, some a lot better than the ones I put forward. But they just don’t prioritise PvP at all, especially unrated PvP and within that the Epic BGs. It’s the lowest priority for them in amongst a whole area of the game which itself is a low priority. When in reality it’s probably an easy fix.
The only valid argument against shuffling factions up every game and allowing you to keep your race and be an Alliance Orc or a Horde Night Elf is an RPPvP angle. Which to be honest, we shouldn’t have to cater our game around these players as they are such a minority and it would better the game to just make this change and be done with it.
Yep agreed bro! That’s all well said I appreciate you
this is obviously the same person lulz
Anyone can see that I don’t have other characters of that name on my account.
And I really don’t hide from anything pal I speak my mind. I don’t need to run around and masquerade as something I’m not. I only care about getting rid of the Que synch filthy cheaters out of PvP and make it a healthy fair game. If you look at my posts buddy you will see the last thing I do is hide on other toons
Excellent idea, one 5 man per team per instance is brilliant. This would make the other long list of ways to prevent queue syncing that has been recommended previously unnecessary, and is easier to implement.
I would add: Cross Faction for non-rated as it is for rated pvp.
Account wide No queue debuffs for the same duration for not entering an instance that is ready for you like we have for leaving early. Solo BG sometimes must be excepted 8+ times before it starts because folks wont accept to enter.
Decrease time spent waiting for people to enter by having the time allowed to enter halved or auto accepted, just putting players in the content they requested would be my preference as no one could scout for thier queue sync community.
To try to queue sync, yes queue syncing community’s could use many 4 man parties to queue instead of 5 man parties, but if it is cross faction they can choose to play or commit gameplay sabotage, with an equal chance for either team to have ToS violators, not much to do about this other than flag those obviously throwing the match to win trade.
Lets get this done.
Blizzard can do whatever they want with their IP. If they announced queue syncing would cost a hardware/account ban on the 1st of a month and banned those doing it still 2 weeks later and going forward that seems fair to me. Queue Syncing is common because of 2 equally important problems: Blizzard has not told the pvp community that queue syncing is against the ToS in plain enough language, and there as been no related enforcement.
Cross Faction is the only way, anything else will be gamed.
Limit 1-2-3 size?
They can sync with 1-2-3 size.
It’s really not, but go off.
Yeah I said this in my comment if you read it properly.
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Que syncers sounds like a ragnaros premade group
As long as its allowed it will keep happening just like multi boxing. Squeaky wheels get the grease
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I think I was agreeing with you 
Some players still are trying to find alternatives like limiting queue or queue timers. The only thing that will change anything is the Blitz Q format.
The real answer is to get rid of set factions in randoms the way they have for rated bgs. They no longer make sense, people doing pvp really just want to fight other players, it would lower queue times, and ruin the functionality of queue sync.
There is no silver bullet. We need a number of things.
- Cross faction, that will mess with their ability to drop and requeue if they don’t get into the same fight based on pop time.
- A penalty for drop and requeu after a certain number of times per day. Maybe 3 missed queues a day before you get a penalty then that goes higher with each misqueue. Must be account wide.
- Some form of better randomization that watches who was in each battle so you don’t get the same groups paired together.
- Explicit language that gaming the system is an exploit
- Punishment when it is spotted after a warning
- Randomize the queue line a bit so 1 2 3 click doesn’t do as well. I think it should be a backward randomization slotting into the queue lines.
- Group matching based on sizes. So if you join as a 2 3 4 or 5 whatever bg you get into will have a matched sized group on the other side.
- All of this will still get gamed so they must engage with the community and constantly plug holes. That is just how systems like this work. Nothing is perfect so you keep plugging holes over and over and get better than what we have.
All of that would together would stomp it out, make for more competitive pvp. They will likely have to increase the size of battlegroups to compensate for some of the queue times for a bit, but then could ease it off if pvp starts growing again.
No silver bullet.