**SOLUTION** To Problem Of Battle.net App Getting Stuck At 45%

Really inexplicable solution here:

  1. Attempt Battle.net installation on m1 Mac OS, then quit out completely
  2. Install Crossover, they have a demo for free
  3. Install World of Warcraft in Crossover (it’s pc version but it works, you can delete it later)
  4. Retry battle.net in m1 Mac OS (without Crossover)

I have zero idea why this worked, but the battle.net was hanging at 45% and then it installed but then the wow installer was hanging on “Update…” and then I exited it and installed Wow via Crossover and booyah, it just downloaded in m1 Mac land too. Like it just needed to get something network related working

bnet permissions seem to carry over from crossover. I noticed that too. and PC version actually requests them correctly, unlike mac one. so ironically i think what you are seeing is once the PC version has been granted privs, the mac version works again.

the OS doesn’t really distinguish the two agents as different, which I found fascinating too. I have to use windows bnet for diablo 2 3 and 4.

Crossover is such a good investment in general for mac gaming (at least on apple silicon since we gain D3DMetal for dx11 and 12 games)

I took some time to cool down and hope that this error would be corrected, today I deleted all remnants of battle(dot)net and downloaded and installed it again, I didn’t get the 45% error, it installed and opened normally, unfortunately the WOW was still with the infinite install. But I found a solution for this: download(dot)battle(dot)net/en-us/?platform=macos&locale=en_US&product=wow

I downloaded the wow installer separately from this link and opened it with battle(dot)net closed, it will start updating and then it will start installing WOW normally


  1. Use Activity Monitor to quit all Agent, Blizzard Battle.net desktop app, and game processes.
  2. Using Finder, click the Go menu and select Computer.
  3. Navigate to the /Users/Shared/Battle.net/Agent directory.
  4. Delete agent.db and relaunch the Blizzard Battle.net desktop app.
  5. If the issue persists, delete the Agent folder inside the Battle.net directory and relaunch the Blizzard Battle.net desktop app.
  6. If the issue persists, go back to the /Users/Shared directory and delete the Battle.net folder.
  7. Launch the game using the Battle.net desktop application.

cmd used to run from terminal is

sudo /Users/Shared/Battle.net/Setup/bna_2/Battle.net-Setup.app/Contents/MacOS/Battle.net-Setup --cmdver=2

URL: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/34719?_gl=1*1cbiyzp*_ga*MjExNzQ0OTIxMC4xNjk2NDI2MTAz*_ga_VYKNV7C0S3*MTcwNzE1NDM1MC40Ni4xLjE3MDcxNTQzODAuMzAuMC4w


If the above does not fix it for you. Then here’s a copy paste of a post I’ve made elsewhere:

I know I’m a little late to the game here but seeing as this is still a recurring issue among Mac users, I thought I’d share my solution.

Now, before I get to the solution I’ll give some context that way I can be as helpful as possible.

First, this was tried on both an intel (my MacBook Pro) and an Apple silicon (girlfriend’s MacBook Air) Mac product. It worked for both.

Second, the terminal command will vary depending on the location of your world of Warcraft and battle.net install. Both my girlfriend and I have the entirety of the game and launcher on an external hard drive, which made it a lot easier.

The issue is coming from permissions structure in Unix type operating systems, so if for some reason you’re having this problem on Linux as well then this should work. (That claim is conjecture as I haven’t attempted this on any Linux distros).

The problem with trying to fix the permissions of your “World of Warcraft” folder by itself is that it does not appear that changing the single directory’s permissions does so recursively. Meaning that when you change the permissions of that folder itself, it does not also apply to everything INSIDE of that folder. You can check this yourself by command-clicking or “right” clicking on the folder and selecting “get info”, then at the bottom, expanding the sharing and permissions and then changing all options to “read & write”. After that, go into the folder and repeat the process for another folder. You should be able to observe that folders inside of the “World of Warcraft” folder (like retail, data, etc) still require a change.

Now you could do it manually by yourself, but that would be a painstaking process for every time that you want to play wow and this problem happens. Instead, press command+space and type terminal. Open the terminal app and place the following command in the terminal:

sudo chmod -R u+rwX,g+rwX,o+rwX /“path to your world of Warcraft folder”/*

Obviously, replace the path name to your wow folder.

Lastly, I’m not sure if this is required of the battle.net launcher as well and the reason being is that I applied this to the entirety of our external hard drives. Therefore, if applying these changes does not work for you then you may need to move your battle.net launcher app **and ** world of Warcraft folder into their own directory and repeat the command for that directory path.

If you want to apply it to an external hard drive like I did with ours’, then modify the command to be as follows:

sudo chmod -R u+rwX,g+rwX,o+rwX /Volumes/“name of your external hard drive”/*

One final note is that this is clearly an Apple / Macintosh security feature and that there is not much I can think of that blizzard can do to fix the issue right now. I’m sure there’s some things that they could do, but it requires more work than the average keyboard warrior here probably thinks.

Hope this helps.

If it does help you, please upvote this reply so that others can more easily find it.

Congratulations on finding the magic “-R” switch to make a shell command recursive. You should unlock some sort of achievement for that.

Instead of typing “u+rwX,g+rwX,o+rw”, you can alternately type “a+rwX”, which will apply the permissions change to all three (unix/Linux only has three) classes (user, group, and owner in this case). Or, if you prefer, “ugo+rwX”.

You can also type chmod 777 but that wasn’t working correctly for us when we tried it either.
Not so sure why the deep levels of sarcasm emanating from your reply but if you’ve nothing else to offer then you might try making yourself useful around here.


This still didn’t work for me. After it didn’t work I even tried deleting battle.net folder and restarting the process detailed here. I also tried restarting my Mac. Still not working. Still stuck at 45 percent.

Hi, since then I gave up on the issue and uninstalled and just played on PC but recently I tried again.

Turns out if I leave the installation to run for a long enough time, eventually it gets past the stuck points. It takes me an entire day, but eventually I can get battle.net and World of Warcraft installed. However, once installed, when I press Play, it transitions to Launching for a few seconds and then goes back to Play but the game doesn’t start and there is no error message. I know sometimes it can take a couple of minutes for the launch to actually happen on my PC, but on my Mac even 5 minutes later the game doesn’t launch.

Sometimes it changes from Play to Update. I press Update. It shows initializing for several minutes before changing back to Play and then if I try to press Play the same transition to Launching and Play with no game launching happens.

I tried to uninstall WoW and battle.net and followed an article from 2009 about finding folders related to Blizzard, battle.net and WoW and manually deleted everything there then re-installed, which again took another day because of the various stuck points during battle.net install and during “initializing” phase of applying updates.

I updated the OS, Sonoma 14.6.1 before this current install.

I restarted the computer.

I tried to get support from Blizzard tech support, but they sent me a generic tech support page for HEARTHSTONE, even though the very first line I wrote specifically mentioned my issue is with World of Warcraft.

Then they sent me a generic tech support page for connection issues, even though as far as I can tell my Macbook is connecting to the internet fine and once it gets past the stuck points it downloads gigabytes of data very quickly, it just gets stuck for hours on the “initializing” phases on 500 megabytes of data… I don’t have any bespoke firewall software installed. If there is any firewall built into the operating system I need to disable, I don’t know where to look for and which settings I should specifically disable.

Furthermore they marked the issue resolved and wrote I could re-open the ticket, yet when I look at the ticket there is no button to re-open the ticket, only a button to take a survey… so I would have to open a new ticket, and my experience with them not even reading the very first line where I said my issue is in World of Warcraft doesn’t lend any confidence they will pay attention to even the most superficial of “small details” like WHICH GAME I AM HAVING ISSUES WITH.

Is ANYONE able to run this game on MacOS? Are MacOS users just borked?

As a PC user, I encountered this same issue 90 minutes ago. Sadly, even the “PC” fix was not enough. The only thing that resolved it for me was hard dragging every WoW and BNet folder from Programs and Program Files (x86) from their install locations into the Recycle Bin, emptying said bin, restarting my PC, and redownloading the BNet desktop app.

I am almost done reinstalling the 103.55GB (84/103) and manually pushed my addons back in while installing. Everything seems to be working now and I can finally get back into the game after two hours of frustration. And yes, I hit play when only 4% was installed just to get to my character screen. :blue_heart:

So whether you are Mac or PC, and none of the other fixes resolve your issue, give this one a go. It’s like using a sledge instead of a scalpel, but it gets the job done :smiley: