**SOLUTION** To Problem Of Battle.net App Getting Stuck At 45%

I believe the solution to that one is just giving Agent.88xx - full disk access.

I tried that but no luck. Fortunately though, I have it downloaded on the intel mac Iā€™m replacing with this M1 Mac so Iā€™ll just transfer the folder over and I should be fine. Thanks again for your help. Thought I was going to have to build a PC to play.

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Really weird. No one has had to do that to play. But Iā€™m glad it worked lol.

haha still getting this huge WoW folder compressed so I can upload it to google Drive. I may need to just use an external hard drive. Any other suggestions beyond giving Battle.net and agent full disk access?

This works, tysm :sob:


This worked, thank you so much!

Instead of downloading an older version of battle.net, simply place the Battle.net-Setup that you downloaded from the battle.net website into the following directory:


Once the setup is in that folder, run the command:
/Users/Shared/Battle.net/Setup/bna_2/Battle.net-Setup.app/Contents/MacOS/Battle.net-Setup --cmdver=2

@sarcasmic - youā€™re amazing for figuring this one out!


If yā€™all add me on Battle.net I can try to help.


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thanks. it worked. now i can go play SoD <3

it wasnt working at first because i typed bettle nstead of battle


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Blizzard should give you a couple free months of WoW for this lol


I agree :smiley:

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Hi Iā€™ve tried to add you on battle net but I donā€™t know if it workedā€¦ I could use your help!

Thank You !!! This worked for me very grateful for you and the help. :grinning:

Happy to help you!

This worked for me

Bummer. I was hopeful, but this solution isnā€™t working for me :confused:

I am working on an M1 Mac, and ran through the process above, but after running the command line execution, it still hangs at 45% seemingly indefinitely.

Anyone else experience this and find an additional solution, or have further tips? Thanks :smiley:

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@Sarcasmic - totally awesome that you figured this out. Thank you!

For me, I had to do a bit of a modified approach to finally get it work. It didnā€™t work on the M1 air, even with your final instructions. However, it did work on an older intel pro. So I installed on a removable drive then put that drive on the air. Then, it installed on the air. Bizarre, but it worked!

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I have no idea how you figured this out, but it worked. It would be great to know why this fix works so Blizzard can address it for the non-technical folks.

Iā€™m an old fart how the hell do you go into user/shared/battle.net/bna_2

Hi - press command (looks like a clover) and space bar at the same time. Type /users/shared/battle.net/setup/bna_2/. The Blue folder will appear in that box. Double click it. Now youā€™re in that directory. Just drag/drop the installer into there.

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This worked for me too. Thanks!!!