Solution to always cast a heal at the Tank?

On the hunt for an addon I think… anyone know a way to send a heal at the party’s Tank ?

Trying to do this for PW: Radiance and have a macro for Party1… but learning getting people to pass the lead is not reliable. Hoping for a solution without this dependency.


Can set them as your focus and cast @focus

/cast [@focus,help,nodead] [] Power Word: Radiance

I use my focus for following Schism, looking for a solution not using focus targeting. I’m looking into how someone might cast tricks or MD

through a macro just a side note it would probably be pretty easy to find a WA to track schism and use a macro for your heal

That isn’t exactly what I meant by “i use to follow my schism”. I focus my schism so I can send all my Void Blasts into it and also easily re-target my Schism after I’ve changed targets.

I figure there has to be an addon out there or a WA that edits a tank’s name into macros or something… Can’t ditch my utility on how I use focus

Typically using focus macros. That said there is:

I’ve never used it.

Ah, I’ve seen this out there too… but was unable to get it to work. I can try again

Not exactly what you asked for, but Elvenbane’s base healing macro in the sticky above contains an @targettarget which will cast at your tank assuming they have threat and are being targeted by the enemy.

Make one macro named “Heal Tank”. Leave it empty.

Make another macro named “Set Heal” (or whatever, name on this one doesn’t matter):

/run local n=UnitName("target") or "pet" if not InCombatLockdown() then EditMacro(GetMacroIndexByName("Heal Tank"),nil,nil,"/cast [@"..n.."] Power Word: Radiance") print("Heal Tank set to "..n) end

When you hit the second macro (when out of combat–ideally when group forms up) it will edit the Heal Tank macro to:

/cast [@<name>] Power Word: Radiance

The heal macro will cast @ whoever you had targeted when Set Heal was hit, until you change it again.