[SOLUTION] for Those Stuck on No One Left Behind Quest

Not working for me

Not working on The Scryers all day today, warmode off. I agree with the other poster that we shouldnt have to enable warmode to be a target just to do this quest. (Not a pvp’er :wink: ) I also have dropped and re-obtained the quest numerous times as well as reloading the UI several times. No luck. All the other players that were coming around said they were having the same problem, hopefully Bliz will fix it sometime this century. Just want to finish the campaign, jeez LoL :wink:

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I actually just received a reply from a GM which is complete BS!!! Why should we NON pvp’ers be forced to enable warmode for a regular quest? So stupid. sigh I will try it I guess and after a thousand ganks on me later update this post to see if it actually works… :frowning:

" Hey there, Sunnara.

Game Master Stilggost here. If you haven’t done so already, please make sure that you have War Mode enabled, as you won’t be able to deal with Blademaster Telaamon without it enabled.

I do apologize for any trouble you’ve had with this, and I hope you have a great day from here!"

I was able to fix this by server hopping.

Game Master Stilggost here. If you haven’t done so already, please make sure that you have War Mode enabled, as you won’t be able to deal with Blademaster Telaamon without it enabled.


Once I turned warmode on I was able to complete the entire campaign without issue, I hope it works for you guys :slight_smile: Afterwards I turned it off as quick as I could LoL

Making myself a gank target is not a solution, there is no reason to FORCE us to flag pvp to complete the war campaign.

I finished the Alliance war campaign with war mode OFF…so this should not be any different.

Yup still not working here either with WM off. Tried dropping quest / reloading etc. with no joy. WM on, behaved as I guess it should. Pity you have to head to Org / faff around with WM to make a simple quest work :confused:

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Join random quest groups/world bosses for Nazmir and Zuldazar standing just outside the quest area in the north. Walk in, it’s there? No? Do it again. You’ll get it.

Welp, tried WM on, no joy, tried joining groups, no joy. So…looks like no Horde war campaign for me.

Almost a week and this STILL hasnt been fixed?

Just went back.

Still bugged and cant do quest - I am stalled on war campaign until this is fixed.

Turning warmode on worked for me. Thank you!