Soloing Black Temple - Can I run straight to Illidan?

I’m looking for Cursed Visions of Sarg - Can I run straight to Illidan, or are there bosses I have to kill?

All. Unless I missed something. :thinking:


I have to kill them all or I can skip them all?

All. There are doors that prevent you from gunning straight to illidan. :face_exhaling:




If you have the Rep Skip you need to kill Akama, Mother and Council.

If you DON’T have the rep skip, you need to kill the Naga guy and the Infernal dude as well as the above bosses.

Pretty sure Bloodboil and Reliquary are completely optional now.

Is there a tl;dr on the rep skip?

Get rep by killing a bunch of bosses, buy an item that teleports you about halfway in BT.

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Demon hunters can skip to Council once inside the actual temple by using their double jump.


Do they get special dialog?

No, you just double jump up a chain and clip through the wall.

I remember seeing a video on that. Basically climbing the chains. Unless good with your jumps, probably less frustrating to kill the 4 bosses to open the door.

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There was no going through any wall the last time I did it. You go up the chain and then glide down to the ledge. No walls involved.

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My demon hunter did it with out clipping walls.

What item is this? Id never heard of it and went looking for it after reading your post, but i can’t seem to find it. Thanks!

Sorry, I misremembered.

It’s actually from quite a long questline.