Soloing as preservation

Probably an odd choice but I recently swapped from devastation to preservation and have been finding it much more comfortable for soloing. Damage kinda sucks but the extra healing, extra level for empower spells, and extra resource pip seem to help a lot for dealing with tougher solo encounters.

Anyone else run preservation for solo / leveling or have any tips?

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It is Certainly an odd choice (Imo), unless you level spam via Farming Dungeons for Faster Ques.

Your level is low, so probably isn’t much difference in Deva/Pres right now. Later on you will feel it, as your damage from Deva increases. Deva is squishy, but part of leveling is learning your Abilities. So need to learn to Kite/Snare/Hover…roll defensives…etc can’t just chain face-tank Multiple mobs and elites one after the other.

So, my advice is to swap back to Deva If Solo-questing is your preferred method…learning it and your abilities. Will make you a better Healer end game.

I play with it for a bit in open world content, when Evoker first came out… but when I saw that I could not use most of my breaths as weapons and only as heals I quickly change.

When I first saw preservation I first thought that you would use your healing breath as heals for allies and a poison or Sleep cc cloud for enemies…
I guess since I seen the Green Dragons and the Bronze being able to use their magic offensively while also healing or mending, I thought WoW would go this rout! lol

I truly wish this was the case as there are aspect of the Healing spec that I really like aesthetically and in gameplay, but I never like playing full only heals or tanks in games… my fav classes that can be more hybrid while still being DPS…so Augmentation for me was a blessing in disguise (I don’t like tanking but was at a lost as to why they didn’t give Evokers a Tank Role), when I finally decided to give it a go, I was very pleased! :sweat_smile:

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I pretty well only play healing specs for all content. Solo as pres is totally fine it’s just boring when most of the time you’re spamming living flame and waiting for fire breath to be available.

Flame shaper is more fun for open world/soloing than Chrono since you’ve got another button to pres, but disintegrate needs to do more damage to feel impactful. If you’re playing Chrono, you’re basically just pressing one button until fire breath is available and you’ll fall asleep at the wheel.

I leveled 2 evokers as pres and another in remix. I only quest so I don’t know how it would be in dungeons or raids but I never had any trouble getting to max level with it.

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This the lvl.

Once you hit 80 pres damage is so underwhelming part of what you are feeling is the way scaling works. Hence the level teens twinks in dungeon runs that are godly. But at 80 damage will be less and deveatation has pretty good self sustain/leech with damage to where deveatation solo become more survivable except for niche cases at least if you don’t want to be in combat for like 10minutes for a single elite.