What is going on in SS where 2 healers, 3 DPS and 1 Tank queue up in a match? Just ran into this today. Is this a “New feature”?
No, that’s how it has worked since…basically whenever they made the mode ranked. Non-Paladin tanks replace a dps and are limited to 1 per lobby, so you’ll never see a Guardian and a Blood in the same game.
The exception is Protection Paladins who replace the healers and don’t apply to the tank rule, so there can be double prot pala with a bdk then 3 dps.
I have never in my time playing SS seen a tank, 3 dps, and 2 healers. Its to my understanding Tanks can only be placed against each other with no healers. Now I may be wrong.
Not since, like, early DF. This was the case for unranked in SL.
and the healers were a Disc Priest and Pres Dragon
The Kennie (Caleb) special!
Just ignore tanks and kill the other dps (possibly the healer depending on dampening)