Solo Shuffle should give more % towards the Vicious Mount

Solo Shuffle gives an awful % towards it.

I’ve managed to get 2 characters to 1800 rating, 3 characters to 1600 rating and one of them having over 180 rounds, and I got about 60% towards the mount?

That’s ridiculous.

If you want to make the progress as slow as 2v2 Arenas, then at least make it so it gives progress per round won, and not per game won. Waiting 30-45 minutes for a queue, just to get 2-4 and not getting any progress, or finishing 3-3 and having the same exact progress as managing to get 6-0…?

That’s ridiculous.

Some math here to demonstrate how bad the system is.

In order to get the mount, you need either one of those (or mixed) :

  • 240 Arena 2v2 Wins (0.4% a win)
  • 80 Arena 3v3 Wins (1.25% a win)
  • 40 Rated Battleground Wins (2.5% a win)

Solo Shuffle awards what an Arena 2v2 gives, but per win of a match. Meaning, if you get 2 rounds out of 6 won, or 1 or if you even get 3 out of 6, it’s not considered a win. (The 3-3 is argumentative (not entirely sure)).

A Solo Shuffle takes roughly 25 minutes per match. Don’t believe me? Let’s see.

  • 15-45 minutes of Queue time (remove this from the end result if you’re a healer);
  • 1:30 of preparation before first round;
  • 30s of preparation between each round, so x5;
  • 1-10 minutes of fighting (I’ve had rounds going up to 10 minutes, and rounds taking as low as a minute, it’s usually in between but I’ll calculate based on the lowest round time).

In total of all of that, we get to about 10 minutes for a match (9:40) and 15 minutes of queue time, for a total of 25 minutes MINIMUM for 1 game. Now if you win only 2/6 or (maybe) 3/6 rounds, hehe, no % for you. BUT, if you win more, then enjoy a 0.4% :slight_smile:


I feel like it giving progress equivalent to 2’s per win is appropriate.

It certainly shouldn’t be more effective than running 3’s or equivalent to rbgs.

You win you get credit. It’s consistent with any other ranked activity.

Whether it’s a 15 second stomp or a 4min nail bitter that ultimately ends in a loss.
What a strange complaint. " I didn’t get credit for losing my match. Blizzard do something!"

Queue healer and you’ll get faster %/h :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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its cool wen u win 3 round, someone leave, and u still get nothin x_x

That is not it.

Solo Shuffle is essentially 3v3s where you don’t need to have a stable team. Should it give 3v3 % ? No.

But it sure should reward players on their won rounds, and not on the entire match at the value of an Arena 2v2.

The entire match is 6 rounds, and the match is considered " lost " if you win 2 rounds out of 6 or less, a draw if 3-3 and a win if 4-2+. If you win the match itself, THEN you get credit towards the vicious mount at the % of an Arena 2v2.

Just a reminder you need either 240 Arena 2v2 wins in order to get the mount, 80 Arena 3v3 wins or 40 RBG wins.

240 Solo Shuffle MATCHES won, to get a Vicious mount ?? How ridiculous is that.

So it’s not consistent. It gives credit on the entire match meaning it’s the slowest way of getting the Vicious Mount by FAR.

And that can’t be. A round takes 30s to start baseline (the first is like 1:30 I believe), then yes either 2 minutes or 10 of fighting for a kill (depending on ranking). Let’s go with like 60s of fighting for a kill (which is the lowest in most scenarios since some I’ve had took 5-10 minutes), with 30s to start between each round and 1:30 before the first one.

9:40. About 10 minutes a game. That’s without the awful queue time there is which would increase this by something between 15 and 45 minutes depending on the time of day. So let’s take this to the least amount, 25 minutes a GAME for what is it, 0.4% ? something like that.

Add to this about 1 in 5 or 10 games someone leaves, you get nothing. Add to this the fact that if you win 50% of the rounds you get nothing sometimes… Do you see the patern?

This is by all means not at all consistent with any other ranked gamemodes %.

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winning “rounds” does not equal a Solo Shuffle Win.

You can’t win 1 round and lose 5 and be like “give me credit” you lost the match.

Its the equivalent to asking for credit per kills earned in 2/3’s even when you lose.

Obviously I’m referring to the time spent in combat. Some matches are exceedingly short. While others are a battle of attrition. In both cases credit earned is the same. Length of the matches has nothing to do with the amount of credit awarded.

So this argument that solo shuffle queues are longer therefore I should get credit when I lose. . . is just silly in my opinion. It doesn’t connect or make any sense.

What doesn’t make any sense is wanting a gamemode that’s 5 times longer than an Arena 2v2 to award the exact same % as an Arena 2v2. I’m not saying give it a 3v3 % but even then, maybe, since 1 Solo Shuffle is 6x3v3. At least Awarding 1 Match a 3v3 % is good enough.

Again, I brought 2 characters to 1800, 3 to 1600, 1 had over 180 rounds and I was at less than 60%, how does that make any sense to you?

0.4% for such a gamemode is way too low. The rating bump as well as the time it takes does not justify such a low %.

Doing 2v2 Arenas on my Warrior and Rogue, getting both to 1800 got me a Vicious mount and half a Saddle back in BFA.

It depends on the number of wins and not the ratings.
At 60% that is like 72 wins or something that count toward credit?

If you would have done the same in 3v3 you still wouldn’t be done.

At 60%, in Solo Shuffle, that’s 150 wins. (0.4% per)

If this were 3v3s, I’d be at 90% with 72 wins, or 1 vicious mount and 87.5% of a saddle with the Solo Shuffle win count.

Why is it that in this thread the original poster posts inaccurate info and everyone assumes that info is correct? A shuffle win gives around 2,07% progress, 5x a 2 vs 2 win, as it should be.

It’s arguable it’s still a bit little, mainly cause you get nothing for going 2-4 for example, but let’s argue having correct info, not wrong.

it should give more because it’s not one 3v3 match, it’s 6.

The % might have been innaccurate, but at the time of this post I had never seen my progress bar go up by higher than a fraction of a % when I won.

And the system do be frustrating when you get such a low % for waiting 25 minutes for a game.