I would love to see a refresh to the Solo Shuffle System.
My thought would be to merge solo shuffle into the 3v3 ladder.
What I mean:
When you queue into Solo Shuffle instead of waiting for 6 Players it would only wait for 3. One Healer and 2 DPS.
It would then throw you into the 3v3 ladder to face off either another Solo shuffle team or a premade team of similar match making skill. This would also remove the need for a separate Rating for solo shuffle and it would just be your 3v3 Rating.
More on how the system would work:
When you win a match with your team it would automatically queue you back up and this would keep on going until you loose a matchup or someone leaves and in which you would need to re queue solo or even pre make a team.
What could be gained from this:
Could easily make friends to then just pre make a team you got randomly paired with because you meshed well.
Remove the split in the player base from two separate Systems.
Would possibly speed up Queue times since everyone would be queuing into the same ladder.
Ideas from down below that could make sense with this
-Duo que should be allowed. Whether its duo DPS or Healer/DPS since you would be queuing into Pre Made Groups.
This whole idea could also be done with Solo Battle Ground Blitz in a way if we move away from the awkward 8v8’s back into the 10v10’s.
I wouldn’t hate the idea, but you could really just make it so it asks you at the end if you would want to queue another game with the same people, win or lose.
Most importantly this will never happen, pointless discussion. To hypothetically entertain this idea it would be horrible. 3s is unbearably bad right now, at 2k tonight 4/5 games were just 2500-2700 teams on alts which idc ill practice but my LFG quickly disbanded.
Unfortunately, it won’t happen or it will take a very long time. The only real way is to trick people by devaluing the mode. The old rank system based on your place in the rating table can somehow affect, because due to the high activity of people (due to the easy rating) the rank in solo will require more rating.
bro this is probably the 9th time this same idea is posted here this week
holy moly
how is this not a meme by now?
hey, I do like how you consolidate the idea into “merging the ladders”, I’ll use this in the future when I reference post #92120 about merging the 3s ladders
I’m not even going to bother saying why this is a bad idea again
A lot of people have been suggesting this, and I see some pros, but I also feel that it wouldn’t be fair to the diehard shuffle community who actually likes the shuffle format. Also, there’s the obvious complaint that people wouldn’t want to fight premades, although MMR would likely more-or-less sort that out.
Also, it’d feel MUCH worse as an off-meta class, as there wouldn’t be 6 rounds to play with/against, you may just get absolutely wrecked by having a bad comp into a premade.
I’d be all for adding the “flex queue” mode, but I don’t think that solo shuffle should go away to make that happen.
I’m not sure removing solo shuffle is an option at this point. I think at most they could just add the solo q 3s option but without removing shuffle.
The thing with shuffle is that it does allow for more fairness, ie if you get 1 obviously bad player in the lobby you get the chance to vs them and recoup some lost CR/mmr, or even potentially win with them if you can carry. In 3s that will effect you a lot more as you get no chance to vs that player.
On top of that, how would they work out solo queuers in 3s going up against a full team queueing on comms? It would be an obvious advantage especially as you get to higher ratings. If the solution is “well the game can pair you against other solo queuers” then how would that effect queue times?
To be clear for the health of the game I do think the solo queue 3s option would have been better if we started out with it instead of shuffle even with it having its own problems, but now that shuffle has existed this long I do not think it would be smart to remove it. I think just adding the solo q 3s option would be enough and let people queue up for both at the same time, it would speed up 3s queues towards the higher end as well.