Solo Shuffle Ratings For HEALERS is FRIED

Screenshotted a mage purposely sabotaging my rating in the last round of a solo shuffle.

As healer, if I don’t go 4-2 each Solo Shuffle, I don’t gain any rating…

Many of you consider this ‘fair’ and I don’t disagree.

But when a mage can still gain 20 points after only winning 1 round, and they still gain CR and mmr… even after committing COLLUSION by sabotaging my game by afk’ing behind the pillars in Lordaeron, I have to call BS.


fix the ratings to be better rewarding and less punishing for healers in Solo Shuffles. TY

reported in game with timestamp. GG blizzard. Pce


Win more. :dracthyr_love_animated:

It’s overall fine. Seems many get screwed super hard on their first placement games. That should be fixed 100%. I doubt he was purposefully sabotaging probably just incredibly terrible at the game like every single dps under duelist right now.

he was casually running behind the gravestones while completely disregarding the 2v3. it was sabotaged gameplay.

I thought you were quitting? How do you keep making a new post every hour if you quit?


Your posts make me feel like you just learned what “cooked” and “fried” mean and are just using it willynilly at this point.


ur a wintrader as well

Lmao, okay

Yes and there are plenty of website boosters that have worked their alts/multi-clients in to synch up well enough to be disruptive and cause normal players, to have to play Hundreds of matches to get to their real rating, instead of maybe 50 to 100. I’ve had healers literally say “By the way I’m throwing lol get owned”. Last match I had a demon hunter do 17k damage and then afk into a wall under water.

Here are the offenders

“omg what happened” lmao

i own you

maybe play with honor and integrity instead of being a cheater’


you use the account you are on currently to boost people in shuffle. Sorry. It’s widely known with people with an IQ above room temperature.

Show proof?

the wild WoW player can be seen making wild and false accusations, this in the harsh wild of Azeroth is a defensive mechanism. Shielding the player from wasting their youth playing at starter match making rating in a video game largely known for it’s ease of play and casual friendly mechanics.

His only proof would be the 1 lobby we played in where I won the matches against him, but not with him. So clearly it means I am win trading and not possibly that he is the reason we lost or our 3rd.


you wouldn’t qualify, sadly

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It’s crazy to me how often things like this happen.

There was another evoker a couple months ago who accused a DH of “clearly botting and cheating” while providing zero evidence and making claims like the DH would “meld dodge roots and tail swipes”. Fortunately, there was a stream of the games.

The evoker went 1-5 and the dh actually only went 3-3. The dh only used meld in 4/6 games, twice while rooted, once while low, and once to dodge a hex. The dh was also very much NOT botting - never glimpsed a CC, not kicking, not stunning right off dr/cd etc and just doing “normal” dh damage.
The evoker was just mad and wanted something to blame.


Usually botting is pretty obvious. Like, you’re getting kicked every single cast at 99% and they’re doing their whole damage rotation without targeting you. This was my first season since BFA, but the botting in WOD was 10x worse than it is now (can’t speak to shadowlands or DF really since I didn’t play them)

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Dps dont get rating either. Only gain rating when going negative when your mmr is way way higher than your cr and that applies to all roles not just dps.

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For sure. It cracks me up, because I too have had games where things were fishy and I suspected something outside of the regular was going on but then I also too have many games where its almost like 2 different players are playing, depending on which team they’re on. I’ve learned that it’s primarily (not necessarily always) just bad games or silly mistakes, one team capitalizing and the other not, etc.

The best part though is accusing me of wintrading, to help people get achievements that I myself do not have on my main.


I’ve only recently seen this dragon on here, but he seems to accuse everyone of cheating. Not sure what his deal is, tbh… just trolling probably.

Absolutely! And I’m glad you’re able to recognize that.

I had a lobby a couple months ago where I went 3-3 at like 2200 mmr and an hpal went 0-6. Lobby was boomy, frost mage, feral, assa rogue, hpal, rsham.

First game they open on mage, healer isnt even sapped, I clone the feral. Feral trinkets, stuns me, and they slam incarn and deathmark at the same time.

No bop, healer never gets ccd, I use frenzy renewal and skin and die while my mage is just casting frost bolts. Next round the paladin goes, “I can see you bought your account but you need to press clone to win”.
I say, “I’ll try for sure, but when they send incarn and deathmark it’s pretty good to just bop it, especially if you can get the stun!”
To which he responded, “don’t tell me how to play my class boosted REDACTED”.

He then died on my team the next two games in less than a minute, activiely lining my attempts to clone to peel for him and didnt use bop or bubble in either game and comtinuing to rage in lobby chat about how we’re wintrading and he’s reporting us.

The next 3 games he DID use bubble, trinket, and at least one bop (even vs boomy/mage, which was super troll) every single round. He still went 0-6, but this is a good example on both ends.

The paladin played awful on my team and played better round 4-6. That’s just him learning from his mistakes, not him wintrading.

The paladin was also convinced that everyone else was wintrading and griefing him, not that he was the problem.