Solo Shuffle Queue Times

I know that this isn’t the foremost issue on people’s minds, but I’m shocked to not see anything addressing this so far. As someone that wants to play solo queue pvp and does not have an abundance of time to play, the queue times for dps in solo shuffle are completely unacceptable. Please consider some options to help alleviate this terrible situation.

One idea that I’ve heard that I really think could help and should be considered (adjustments may be needed obviously this is just a spit ball).

How about including a dps only lobby as part of the queue. So healers always get a 3v3 lobby and dps sometimes get 2v2 (double dps only) and sometimes get the 3v3 lobby. Then put in an appropriate safeguard so that dps always get a 3v3 lobby in reasonable amount of time. Something like 2 2v2 queues then you wait 2-3 mins for the next 3v3 queue.

Anyway this is one idea, and I get that it isn’t perfect (insert the complaint about rogue/mage dominating 2v2), but something has to be done.

ps. I’d really love to see standard 2v2 broken up into separate brackets for double dps and healer/dps as well, but it’s not as pressing an issue as the incredibly awful solo shuffle queue situation. Thanks.


With healers getting incentives to queue for blitz, solo shuffle times will probably just get worse.

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Made a thread about the same thing myself. I don’t think double dps lobby is a good idea, other classes just outshine others by a mile there. Perhaps opt-in for some that really want it? I’m just 100% certain it will be a circus.

I just think that SoloQue would be a better option. One round, one game. If you keep queueing up RNG will balance out itself. 3s queues currently are quite fast and SoloQue should hold up more popularity, meaning even faster queues.

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I would be fine with the soloque option as well. Anything to end this nightmare. It’s not just the long queue times but the inaccuracy of the timer as well. You literally have to sit at the monitor and wait because it could be short, but usually it’s 10 or more minutes longer. It is so incredibly disrespectful of our time that something has to change.

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As someone who heals A LOT of SS across pretty much every healer in the game I can tell you when blitz becomes rated I’ll focus much more on that. The SS format is just awful for healers all the way around. Solo queue 3s would be much better and I’d be happy to queue it. The argument that you could get unlucky with comps or whatever still happens in SS except you have to deal with it for 6 games instead of just one. The fact that Blizzard is doing nothing to address the obvious problems with the game mode is just sad.

All that being said DPS only 2v2 queues would be outright awful. Welcome to World of Roguecraft.


Memories of double mage invis into double mage openers resurfacing. No bueno.

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On higher ratings and especially on more commonly played spec I’ve experienced up to 45min ques in EU. Remember, 20 second windows to accept the queue, rofl.

SoloQue when? :smiley:

Yeah, I routinely have about 2-3 hours to play at night, and between the long queue and missing queues I will often only get to play 1 or 2 games. It’s the worst. I mean I love playing the game, and though it has its faults the biggest one by far is the fact that i can barely get to play it at all.

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I experience the very same currently. I usually can pick my work times, but now I’m set in stone for a while. Probably I will hit LFG again, but doubt it’s gonna be that faster.