Solo shuffle questions

First, I play assassin and I run three poisons. Should I go deadly, amplifying, crippling. Or switch one with wound?

Also I don’t notice a difference if I play exsanguinate or not. I rarely get the kill when I use end and matches don’t last 3 minutes to use a second time. Is it worth using?

Last thing. I am always targeted which makes doing damage that more difficult. Tips for this or just accept it?

I’d drop exsanguinate. Deadly, wound poison, mind numbing and crippling are your go toos. Drop amplifying for the longer envenom uptime. If it’s double melee bleed them both. Use cds to give you a pressure edge to counter their cds, faint anytime two dps have uptime on you and evasion when they pop their big cds. Should be saving vanish to get cc on the healer then big dmg on the kill target. On pillar maps you can also get re stealths.

Also when you have class questions make sure to post on that character. So people can look at your setup better.

Thank you for the reply, it’s been quite some time since I’ve really played my rogue. I’m going to try out your suggestions. Ty

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