Solo shuffle killed wow pvp

No, blizzard balancing killed PVP. Look at what they are doing, every week its 1 healer is OP and 1 dps is OP. On top of that, the TTK is so lame for an mmo. All of the dragonflight problems are due to the incompetence in the hiring department giving special preference to hiring women instead of hiring based on ability. This is the sole reason why the game looks pretty but is full of bugs and has 0 content.

Its completely turned me off even purchasing D4.


Yeah, obviously the reason that DF sucks so bad is because of… checks notes… HIRING WOMANS.


I will happily kill 2s and 3s if it means i dont have to interact with absolute creatures like OP


players who play 5 xpac and never exceeded 1800. are deceived by the in solo. pathetic like easy. the Solo has to be gone, or the rewards have to be removed or pvp will just go bankrupt. I often come across a player at 2400 mmr, who doesn’t even know how to press the buttons. a pathetic noob, with 1500 xp for decades, but on the solo he is deluded that he knows how to play.


Tell me you didn’t have a positive maternal influence growing up without telling me

In 2021 Blizz was sitting at 24% of its employees being women. At the end of last year it was 29%. 71% of the blame still is on us men :rofl:

Can’t post links but a quick google search can verify…


“Don’t have anything to refute with? That’s fine! Simply just talk about how the other poster doesn’t like period s*x!”

Man that got real weird real quick.

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Stangant is gmaeplay is whats killing pvp. The same zug zug playstyle since wod/legion. Some classes with outdated designs too.

As soon as someone replies with “Tell me you didn’t have blah blah without telling me…” you know its not worth it as they are probably a soy latte drinking white women and there’s no way any constructive criticism is getting through all that makeup.


I love this thread. This man really hating women over what he perceives they did to a f video game lol

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The game is rubbish so i gotta have fun trolling on the forums. This is the real entertainment.


Ohhh this is going to be fun…

That’s a whole lot of words just to say “I’m low IQ and don’t have a counter argument or original thought in me.”


you can really tell who the incels are


And your constructive criticism is that it’s women’s fault? Damn…


If you cant tell that im trolling…i guess we know who has the lower IQ.

Ah, I see.

So it seems we have a Schrödinger’s Douchebag here. :joy:

(Schrödinger’s Douchebag - noun - One who says offensive things and then decides based off the audience reaction whether or not he was “just trolling”)


Are you new to this forum, my entire post history is full of trolling. I get suspending so much its hilarious they keep letting me back on. Comprehension is lacking in some people.

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Solo Shuffle is rated. They are succeeding at new WoW PvP modes, just it doesn’t translate to traditional modes

If it’s your entire post history, is it really trolling? And I have no idea who you are or that you’re a known troll, so you must not be a very good one :speak_no_evil:


You ever stop and think numbers are down because the expansions get worse and worse??

Dragon fart is awful. Shadow lands was awful and BFA was the worse.