Solo shuffle is a complete joke

Solo shuffle is a complete joke. The MMR is terrible. Every game goes 3/3 because one healer is placed in a game he shouldn’t be playing in. The class tuning is also a joke. There are classes topping dps charts that also have a Mortal strike (like arms warriors doing 4 million damage in 2 seconds with demolish + mortal strike) and other classes (like frost dk) that get 0 MS and do 0 relative damage compared to other specs. I’m convinced the class tuners do not even play the game before they make major changes.


Yes, I’m sure it’s the healer that’s the problem. Try rolling one and showing them what’s what, champ.


Frost DK has it’s issues, but there aren’t many classes with more burst than frost DK’s have every minute. Listing warrior damage as being a problem is also kind of fried.

Just a hunch, but I think there’s more going on here than just bad healers preventing you from reaching your solo shuffle dreams

Edit; on second thought, you may have a point here just not in the way you think. 0cr healers shouldn’t be thrown into 1800 rated games (I know it’s because they inflated MMR, but that still shouldn’t happen), it’s not fun for anyone involved, except maybe the other healer

‘Spends 2 minutes priming up stacks for big demolish damage…target simply takes 4 steps backwards’.


hey man i never claimed i could play healer, its just so ridiculously 1 sided every single match. One healer goes 6/0 and other 0/6 I can’t even count how many games have gone that way in the past week for me.

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Sounds like you aren’t helping your healer and the one with the least mobility is not able to stay within your LoS.


you’re describing you being in the MMR you belong. A better player, would be able to steal a win with some of these healers, and they do… that’s why everyone isn’t stuck in the same MMR. I know this is more of a QQ thread, so you may not want advice, but all you can really do is self reflect and try to be better next game.


yea i agree with the MS. any class that has MS should be doing 1mill dps. or hitting for 2mil mortal strikes. MS should be removed or give all classes MS’s simply because if you don’t have it. you’re a huge disadvantage with how high dmg is

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Not too long ago there was a guy asking for bots to be put in solo shuffles as healers lol, I found that so funny

It do be like that tbh. I used to be a DPS player too

I 6-0’d and 1800lobby last night on my dh against an arms war, aff lock and ele sham and did 60 million more damage than the next dps. Kick, stun stun fear the healers and the game was pretty much over. Dh is cracked


Probably bots would play better tbh.

Yeah we need to delete all the pet classes and actually do a balance pass.

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it’s true, bots dont hold grudges


They could add em with some passive aggressive automated flaming response if the match is lost.

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yeah. maybe link the interrupts or cooldowns used meters

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Only arms warriors should have MS.


Yeah complaining about warrior is cooked
Literally worst class in the game rn

I honestly just hold my stacks for the extra bleed/overpower damage, and if I can get a demolish off then cool if not oh well

Why are warriors like this?

Honestly mortal strike on so many classes was completely uncalled for.