Solo Shuffle as a fury warrior

I queued into a game with a frost mage , mm hunter , ele shaman. That was the most miserable experience I have ever had. Actually no difference in afking or playing, because you cant play the game, root , slow , stun , root, slow, poly, slow , slow, root, vortex, mage wall, poly, root, slow , slow , slow, root, charge , blink, nova, root, slow, cc, cc, root, slow, cc, ice block , root , slow, slow, cc, slow, turtle , slow , slow , root , cc. Literally impossible to do anything. went 0 wins lost 126 rating. Done with pvp for the expac. It was fun for about 2 hours. back to pve. Its crazy that in some games warriro runs free, and in others they are completely shut down to the point they are taken out of the game. its not fun blizzard. Bring back intervene banner for crying out loud.


a majority of the typical warrior skillcap is min maxing your important damage via your mobility

warrior for the last few expansions has been a brain afk dps bot so it’s like culture shock to rerollers but what you’re experiencing isn’t unusual historically

you have the tools to 6-0 that lobby all of those comps kfc, thunder, and wmx are all generally better than their alternatives

WITH THAT SAID THO the average healer/wizard is completely lost when qing melee/ranged/healer
wizard backing up constantly ; healer trying to stay behind the wizard backing up
forcing you to be in a situation where you literally cannot advance without putting yourself in a risque situation and that’s 100% their fault

best thing you can do is sit on your stun and utility for your damage instead of using them on cd out of frustration

hope this helps


You got countered in a solo shuffle match so you’re quitting PvP to go kill mindless mobs. People whine about the most innocuous things on here.


atleast in pve its about player skill, and not what counters you to the point you have no answer. Ty for your input though. This is why new players dont play pvp.

It’s no different than trying to play a caster into Unholy DK / Warrior. They just sit on you the entire game spamming their PvE rotation and there’s hardly anything you can do about it. There’s no such thing as “kiting” in that matchup (unless you’re a mage of course).

Lock port / gate… completely negated by death grip x2, chains of ice, abomination limb, charge x2, heroic leap, and god help you if the warrior is running spear as well.


Look, I’m also a pve main, but I very much enjoy pvp as well. No offense, but it sounds like you just got outplayed.

Consider the other perspective as well when you fight a caster and kick/stun/run them over the entire game; you have to recognize that they need to have tools to stop your damage.

Exactly this. I actually think you’re more favored than not, it sounds like you just don’t know how to pvp on warrior yet.

Pvp is absolutely about player skill, usually more than pve - and I’m a hof raider.
If you ever record your games and post a vod, I’d be happy to help!

General common mistakes that I see melee players make are:

  • using mobility/stuns/trinketing NOT on their damage cds because they’re frustrated; don’t do that.
    -Using things like avatar and bladestorm in range lobbies for damage instead of for the root breaks and cc immunity.
    -Not using rallying cry to break roots.
    -Not spell reflecting cc.
    -Not using shockwave when they can and saving bolt as a gapcloser or cc stop.
    -chasing a bad target just because he’s low. If your teammate can’t also hit him, just tab to what’s closest.
    -forgetting that the enemy healer is also often a good target.

Solo Shuffle is a horrible metric to use to determine if you like arena/pvp for a variety of reasons.

First off, your success is completely dependent on RNG’ing into lobbies that best set you up for success. Furthermore, queueing into a lobby as a singular melee or caster is further exacerbated as your teammates are not going to coordinate with you in order to make you successful. You’re essentially the sacrificial lamb. RSS eliminates all forms of communication, group synergy and skill that would allow a player to successfully overcome a handicap.

The vast majority of the PvP population asked for the game mode but overlooked all of the shortcomings associated with the bracket. You have to accept the good with the bad. You traded group content and teamwork for ease of access. It’s the way it is.

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Hang on. You have 3k xp on warlock and two gladiator titles. Is this a bait thread? If so, solid, you got me.

If not, did you just buy the account with the glad titles?

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Ohhhh, our first expansion’s arena investigation!! Woohoo!


i normally just kill the healer in those lobbies

‘Wow pvp is really fun when my class owns the other classes’

2 hours later

‘I got into a lobby that was good against warrior and I’m not playing anymore’

Have you thought about continuing to play and get better at the game so you might actually win against those classes? I’ve got 3 mages at 1850 and I’ve absolutely lost rounds to fury warriors.

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I mean I hate mages as much as the next person but this is a fried take… what’s so skillfully about watching a YouTube video and repeating what they do?.. :rofl:

yesterday i played Spriest into Fury, Sin, UHDK.

How much fun do you think i had for those 6 rounds?

I’m envisioning the small sized woman on the couch with the 5 huge dudes standing around her is probably pretty accurate… :rofl::rofl: