OK i firstly want to apologize for the noobishness of this question, however i just returned from a long 3±year hiatus, and was wondering how to solo-queue for RBGs? Im not speaking about LFG, but the solo-queue (I read BG Blitz is a thing, however it seems like thats not active all the time? Does that mean you can only solo-queue rbgs when BG Blitz is active? )
I’m just a bit confused, and would appreciate any help on this subject. Thank y’all so much, and i hope y’all have a great weekend filled with many shinies!!
~ Lionhearte
Press ‘H’ to open the Battleground interface, click on ‘Rated’ on the side, click on Solo Battlegrounds, click ‘Queue’
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I didnt see a queue button when i tried that; am i correct in assuming that, based on your answer, it is available at any time, not just when Battleground blitz is up?
It replaced Blitz, technically, it’s still called Battleground Blitz and yes, it is always up.
Oh, sorry, it’s ‘Join Battle’ not ‘Queue’…
You have to have a certain PvP ilvl to queue, if you don’t it will be greyed out. I forget what you need, 426? If you have no PvP grear you’ll have to work on that first
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I’m not even going to edit my answer. I’m going to leave it there to remind me that numbers are hard
Thank you guys so much!! Whats the quickest way to get ilvl 626 pvp gear so i can queue? My normal gear is about 615 or so, guess that doesnt technically count (again, just came back, sorry for any noob questions)?
Just do regular battlegrounds to gather honor to get the basic PvP gear, it scales up to 626 while in PvP combat.
Or, if you have lots of gold, you can get it all crafted or on the AH.
I suggest getting the trinkets first, they have a set bonus which will make it easier to farm honor.
All good, there have been a lot of changes and it’s a little convoluted so it can be confusing.
You can also do world pvp content and the weekly sparks of war quest to get bloody tokens that you can use to purchase almost conquest level gear, and some world pvp quests will directly reward an almost honor level piece of gear.
I like to fly around and do the sparks quest and gather herbs and do world pvp quests/get supply crates while waiting in queue for battlegrounds. This way you can work on both honor and bloody tokens at the same time.
Turn on Warmode.
Take the weekly 1k bloody token quest in Dornogal, additionally see if there are any BG/epic BG weekly quests. You gotta net 100 sparks of life from a single current expansion zone (the one stated in the quest). You get 5 sparks per random treasure or glob of wax, 8 per rare npc, 1 per enemy player kill, 5-10 per WQ.
Depending on your shard’s horde/alliance balance, you might also get the chest dropoffs - every 30 mins iirc a plane will fly on a zone and drop a crate you must loot. You have to loot that without interruption for ~8s and then a chest will generate that all members from your faction can loot. The chest contains 10 sparks (if you’re on the weekly quest), 60 conquest and a few other goodies.
Do all World Quests for current expansion. You’ll get 100 bloody tokens per quest.
Exchange Bloody Tokens for Warmode PvP gear, that scales to ilvl 636 in PvP.
While doing the above, keep queued for random BGs and the brawl.
Keep queuing for all categories, normal/epic BGs/Brawl, until your first win.
The first win of the day nets extra conquest. After that, focus on epic BGs, as those also have extra win quests for honor/conquest.
The Brawl usually (not always) has a weekly quest (“Something Different”) for extra honor/conquest if you win the match.
You should be good to go to Blitz in 1-2 days tops.
For alts, you can level in BGs, like I do, and be in full honor gear (around 11.5k honor is enough), ready to do BGB as you get to 80.
Here is a good guide if you want to read:
Or, if you like watching Venruki, he did a comprehensive video version:
Y’all are fantastic, and SO extremely helpful to a comeback kid like myself, so thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of this 43-yr old step-dad’s heart!!
May shinies wash upon you like freshly-fallen morning dew-drops at the first light of the morn!! ( ok totally corny, but figured ah, why not )
Thanks again!!
This is the wholesome thread I needed. They did a great job of answering your questions thoroughly. Happy Hunting!