Solo-Rated-BGs and MMR is a tough mix

Idk if we’re going to be able to make a valid bell curve for mmr with this much rng.
How is one player suppose to be enough of an influence on a match to cause a win?
Or, how much of an influence do you need as a solo player to effect the outcome?
It would seem that “a little” is not even close to enough.

Two screenshots of myself here today… the longer you look, the worse it gets.

I think you will eventually be in the right bracket based on skill. It does seem odd but I think the math will work itself out. You can’t judge blitz yet because you have a lot of non rated players in there


Eventually but If your skill is pretty good your still determined by a couple factors, one are your teammates primarily, followed by luck.

Node timers have screwed my team over more than once even when solely focusing on those objectives.

Having an unkillable tank in a Flag Map is also a blessing and can carry the enemy team even though they are playing horribly compared to your own. (Think High dmg team vs low dmg team but their tank is god-tier player/fotm tank)

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Working as intended. Your death has 1 death in both matchs but is still losing.

i hope it doesnt work and i can be in mmr hell
cause games are easier
i just wanna pwn nobbs

You can make a difference in the competitive matches where your gameplay can actually be the difference in a win or loss. But, yes… other than that there is a lot of RNG. You will get on teams that will lose no matter how well you play. You will get on teams that will win no matter how badly you play.

You can carry some of those bad teams, but only at very low MMR where the enemy team has a bunch of new or learning players. At higher MMRs, it is extremely difficult to carry a bad team.

I made a video directly addressing this. If interested, it’s here. I think you find us in agreement.

Savix was in that first BG. Funny.

These are really low MMR matches. All kinds of crazy things can happen in that range. You have rank 1 players like Savix in a match with people who might be trying out pvp for the first time ever. It is possible to carry some of those teams, but there will be a good bit of RNG involved.

I’ve suggested in many threads, to duo queue with a healer for those initial placement games. That will help get you out of that mess.

Yes, with enough matches played. But you could take two specs driven by the same exact player and one might get there much faster than the other just based on how many teams totally incapable of winning they end up on.

I think they have been messing with MMR honestly. I was player at almost 2k on Tuesday and suddenly my mains MMR was seemingly reset. But you can’t just what MMR looks like in Blitz right now because it’s in testing. Also, from my experience it seems like there are placement games around 10 maybe before you really start to see MMR going up.

I’ve had this happen to maybe two or three of my characters, but others are still maintaining previous season MMR. Who know what they are doing…

Best not to take Blitz mmr seriously.


Oh I am not. I would rather they reset MMR for the Brawl, so as the season goes a long my queues don’t get longer and longer and queues remain good. Just more interested in what they are testing with it.

I’m not claiming there’s not matchmaking at all. I just believe it’s heavily prioritizing just getting people in there to play. I also believe it’ll look more realistic once it goes rated.

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Oh there is for sure.

I agree.

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Yep one of the biggest newb mistakes I’m seeing that you don’t see in rated is fc out running healers. A lot of positioning mistakes not know where healers are it’s pretty funny actually. But I think as your cr grows you will start to play games where everyone knows the fundamentals like that

Absolutely. There seems to be a pretty forgiving range on healers and tanks, but also DPS during off peak hours.

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