Solo Queue RBG

What do you think of PvP’s future when Blizzard finally make Solo Queue RBG a reality in The War Within? I’ve seen many people thinking arena is a dead format and that Blizzard should invest in something new for the game, like 5v5 games, maybe a bit similar to LoL, with a mini-BG or whatever. However, I think RBG will come back to life in TWW due to Solo Queue, let’s be honest, they should have done this years ago, even for 2s, the fact you had to have a party to be able to queue was always terrible, we have Solo Shuffles but I also see people don’t like it that much, especially healers… If Solo Shuffle was 2s perhaps it would have been approved by the community.

I personally don’t like Blitz/Brawl BG where both factions fight side by side, it’s so disorganized, they could have at least made Blitz exclusive BGs for that, it simply makes no sense, if BG and arena can be that way so why can’t any PvE content? If PvE is cross faction now, I don’t know, the last time I PvE-ed seriously was back in Legion, and a bit in BFA. However, PvP is where factions should be even more emphasized, and not less.

Anyway, as someone who plays and knows this game for more than ten years, I am glad to know RBG is coming back to life.


Cross faction allows for more evenly distributed, shorter queue times.


I do not disagree with this.

Likley going to be the main way to farm Conq Early season then late season after you can just send conq boxes will see most of the arena players stop participating the Casuals who already grind BG’s all day every day will be playing BGB as their main form of content tho

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Yes, I see that, well at least RBG will probably be the most common PvP content, gladly they are not cross faction (I hope they don’t change it).

Only issues i see with blitz is it’s gonna be More toxic and people queing up. Their is usually one person who doesn’t que up outa the 16 and this can happen multiple times, still though i think when blitz appears we’re gonna see an insane amount of casual players hoping over to pvp seeing if they can get the Elite set without much headache, the toxicity will probably chase a good few of them away though


I have a feeling that people who use Blitz to push rating (assuming it goes rated that is) are going to end up feeling very frustrated.


i was thinking about that too tbh, was wondering if it would be a reliable way to push high rating without feeling the same stress that arena gives off, but i think it would potentially be worse since a lot of things going on will be outa your control, going on losing streaks in blitz would be tough depending how much rating they take from you

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RSS - dependent on two other people per round.
BGB - dependent on seven other people per match.

It will get frustrating when you get unwinnable matches just due to the RNG of getting stuck on the team with more boneheaded players than the other.

(Anyone seriously concerned about rating will not queue without a healer - huge advantage in outcomes)

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If blitz gets the levels of participation I’m anticipating that it will due to it being a new game mode and a way to obtain pvp rewards without the arena being in the way, blizz will likely screw the pooch. Either 1. Rating will come really easy in s1 and they’ll give it the shuffle treatment where nobody can get the same ratings in s2 onwards or 2. They’ll give it the shuffle treatment to begin with and have rating be artificially tamped down to adjust for its massive amount of participation compared to arena. Then queue the cry threads about how terrible the mode is because it’s not easy to get fomo seasonal rewards in (the threads will be disguised as “I got the crappy tank”, “my comp is always trash”, “this particular map screws my class”, etc). Then the cycle of the pvp community imploding in on itself will continue as it has been forever.


I made a joke BGB tier list post and put anyone playing any spec with map awareness and understanding of win conditions as S-tier and the rated community went apoplectic.

It seems that they really really covet those tier lists like a sacred cow, when in actuality BGB comp and specs won’t matter except at the very very top of the ladder and even then it won’t matter as much as it does in arena or ten man rated BGs.

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Lmao. Yeah I mean it’s the same thing in arena. People screaming about balance at ratings where balance isn’t nearly as impactful as individual player awareness. All jokes aside, I think bgb will have a myriad of community created issues just like arena does.


I think that if you’re a more casual rated player who say just wants his 1800 set for the season, then solo shuffle will still be the better option.

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But in practice it won’t be that different from regular BGs, at least for a while. If you get stressed by losing RBG rating so that’s a thing, but for people who just want their PvP mount and etc, it’s an easier approach in my opinion.

I think arenas might suffer after this though, people will queue for RBG way more, since it’s less dependent on them to win, etc. Despite all of that, solo queue RBG is necessary, RBG has been dead for way too long.

Also I suppose that you will be allowed to queue as group, like you and someone else, or a group of three, so it can make it easier. Well, let’s see.

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You can only duo queue in Blitz as healer and DPS, otherwise it is solo queue only.

Blitz will actually be a great place for people who don’t care about rating at all and just want to avoid random BG premades. But, for those that do care - there will be some rage inducing moments.


I would love a solo queue for RBGs.


In today’s WoW, I don’t understand what’s so compelling about “factions should be even more emphasized, and not less.” Player population is declining, inconsistent, and simply not enough to sustain the “but faction war” illusion.

Cross faction BGs and ‘solo queue RBGs’ will only improve queue times and matchmaking.


Yes, I changed my mind on that, though I think they should just change it to red team/blue team. Horde players playing as Alliance is bad when you are in a BG like Temple of Kotmogu and you, as Alliance, can see that other Alliance players are carrying the orb, but you can’t know they are on the enemy team if you don’t click on them. Maybe just do it a bit more like League, and just remove any kind of faction battle from BGs.

What? You need to work on your UI. :frowning:

Ah, I am sure there are addons to fix it but it should just be fixed in game. My UI is very clean, I can get an addon for it if it doesn’t mess with my UI.