Solo Queue for Warfronts & Island Expeditions

When Blizz?
W H E N ?

I want see if I can curbstomp this with my soulbinds.


It’ll cost a raid tier.


At least. Might have to delay TikTok integration too.


Noooooooooooo! Not my precious tiktok! Guess I’ll just have to send all my personal info to the Chinese polit bureu directly :pensive:


There’s still people that run them, especially anyone trying to boost their Heart of Azeroth or farm transmog/mounts. It does bite to have to queue into them.

As for Warfronts… :[

Oh aye they do.

But tell me the temptation to try and solo them isn’t enticing at least a little bit?

It’s all downhill once you get squawks.


I pretty much do solo them, since the other two randoms I queue in with on Heroic are sub-60 or freshly 60.

It’s more that being locked out of Mythic is kind of annoying. Maybe I’ll organize some kind of group for the PvP variant out of the Timewalking Discord, so that people can get the Heart of Azeroth power tied to completing one (myself included).

I’d be willing to bet that more people would use this in-game rather than not. This is the day and age we live in.

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You can q heroic and its pretty easy for IEs did some yesterday when i realized the fish mace comes from there.

regret never bothering with them for most if not all bfa and not getting that appearance.

Only one on AH is over 600k lol

I can’t believe their not solo Q yet.
Is it even possible to get into a warfront now?

Yes, I feel like it’s just as easy to get into a war front now as it was back in BFA. It really surprised me to be honest.