It’s absolutely unacceptable to wait for more than 20 minutes just to find a match. And even when a match is found, there’s always a chance that it won’t start because someone doesn’t accept the match.
I don’t understand why the developers haven’t addressed this issue yet. It’s making the game mode almost unplayable. I have a limited amount of time to play, and I don’t want to spend half of it just waiting for a match. At best we get a game an hour. That’s extremley inefficient and makes me want to log off.
The devs have been taking steps to improve DPS queue times.
They recently disconnected healers’ MMR from DPS’ MMR, so the system doesn’t have to wait for healers with the same MMR as the DPS.
They gave healers 2 boxes for a win.
The devs have stated they’re actively discussing options they might take to incentivize more healers to queue for solo shuffle to reduce the queue time for DPS. This includes ways to make solo shuffle gameplay a more fun, rewarding experience for healers.
Everybody wants a healer nobody wants to be a healer.
I get that it’s good for the queue to pop faster, but when your at 2700 rating and you have a 2200 healer sometimes the game feels unplayable ![:frowning: :frowning:](
Crazy thought, maybe add friends and q 3s instead?
If they’re not going to get rid of dampening, then at least cap it at a low amount. I’m personally not going to heal rss until they get rid of it tbh. No big deal if they don’t though.
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Let me use conquest account wide if I roll healer and I will roll healer.
Oh yeah… I can totally relate.
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The disparity in power between healing specs makes it seriously unfun to play a healer. Healers essentially are dueling each other in games, and when you’re playing a subpar spec like Holy Priest/MW/Rsham facing a Disc or Rdruid it really feels pointless to even try.
It’s not enough to be a better player, you have to be significantly better in this situation to overcome your handicap of playing a weak spec.
Everyone is either rerolling to Disc or just not playing. Facing a Disc with their crazy buttons just isn’t any fun.
WoW PvP is trash, i just wanna hit 1800 for elite mog and never put my foot arena again.
I was really excited to log on hpal and rsham pre nerfs ![:sleepy: :sleepy:](
Where can we find the source for this information?
Because playing as healer pvp is stressfull unrewarding, we actually pay this game for fun not for frustation, playing as healer o solo shuffle SUCK.
Play a shuffle. Healers get double worthless boxes and their mmr is in its own little bubble.
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plus there always someone that dies in 5 conds, you get 3 wins and 0 CR
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I was moreso interested in where I could access his reference to the devs actively stating …(see above).
Give everybody sls1 enhance healing and abolish the healer role
Try healing and it will become clear why ques are so long. The healing debuff from the start is not fun. People just blow cooldowns. Its lame and not fun.
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