Solo que rbgs finally going to get MM tuned?


No. For some reason I have 51yard range and Saltwater potion works.

Hot take, hunters are fine. They’ve always been bg kings, and they keep otherwise destructive oppressive classes (im lookin at you warlocks, with your tankiness on par with actual tanks, but damage of a fire mage with perma combustion) in line.


Thatll change when its no longer a brawl

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Consumables, etc will work while it is in “brawl” status but most likely won’t be useable when it goes into “official” status.


Not really. Myself and my friend (and any two decent hunters) can pretty much take over any nonepic random BG as long as there isn’t a decent preform on the other side. Everything just gets mowed down. It requires very very good healing from the enemy team to not get overwhelmed.

Yeah, and my ex-pocket healer and I received hate posts for taking over random battlegrounds. Neither of those situations spoke on our classes; it was the coordination, along with higher-than-average competence, that made the difference.

Even a good healer is going to struggle keeping someone up with two MM hunters focusing them. The damage is very high.

My point was not that we could withstand you and two additional hunters. Instead, my point was that taking over battlegrounds does not necessarily indicate that your class is overpowered

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Good MM hunters can top damage and KBs in 80% of the BGs they are in. MM hunters can take an otherwise close match and turn it into a one-sided stomp because when they quickly remove a few targets in a fight it has a snowball effect that typically lasts for the entire match.

I also thought duoing with ret and fistweaver was broken OP before they both got nerfed.

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My point being, you could replace what you’re saying about MM hunter, with ANY class, put in the right hands its going to do exactly what you’re saying in random BGs. Random BGs are not the proving grounds of classes, they’re usually meat grinders. Hating hunters because they’re frustrating to fight is one thing, but they’re not the monsters the forums wants to make them out to be. (that would be w@rlocks)

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No class is consistently putting up >20 KBs a game while taking 0 deaths over and over and over and over…

I play all of the DPS classes. None of them comes even anywhere close to the numbers that hunter can put up while having little to no risk to themselves.

Do you play nonepic BGs?

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Hunters in the testing on the Blitz were (are) oppressive mainly because it was using brawl (unrated) ruleset and most of the Hunters were abusing stuff like Saltwater and Health Pots/Third Winds instead of treating it like an actual rated game.

Problem with SoloRBG is that it has 2 healers and no limitations on class stacking, leading to ridiculous comps like double/triple hunter and double/triple boomy just utterly roflstomping people into the dirt, because how can 2 healers handle that kind of thing? Even as a Hunter main I know how difficult that is for even high exp healers in a teamfight. Hunters in RBGs are kept in check by a third healer thrown into the mix and coordination to stop the Hunter’s damage. Obviously, Solo RBGs won’t have voice comms so they’ll need to be given a class stack limitation. Also, as far as Hunter’s survivability, they changed Survival Tactics to no longer remove dots, so Hunters are extremely vulnerable to rot damage (not just bleeds) just like they are in PVE now.

I’m hoping for class limitations for certain specs like MM and Boomy in particular. Hunter in SoloRBG would be best used for objective gameplay rather than teamfighting all game anyway, they can basesit arguably better than any other class in the game and can hit nodes just as well as rogue/boomy can. I’m actually better playing on D on flag maps too because I fill the function of heavy damage to pressure the enemy team pushing offensively because usually, they’re going to have 1 healer and the damage I do is extremely spiky.

I don’t play Epic BGs, and I don’t do arenas. I only do RSS for Conquest gear, and perhaps an elite set. I haven’t taken part in Yolo RBGs since Willow left.

All I do is Random BGs; they’re my expertise. I’ve hit maximum level with every class except for Hunter, although I have played it at the maximum level during Dragonflight (I won’t delve into details). I’ve topped the charts on every class. Put me with, as you mentioned, one or two peeps who are dedicated and knowledgeable about their classes, and I can consistently top charts in any BG we queue for.

It’s not a matter of class balance; it’s an issue of coordination

(remind me not to use ChatGPT to fix grammar issues anymore, it butchered my sentences lol)

They have said they will be looking into limiting class stacking depending on how the queues go.

Also, good point on consumables. A hunter with consumables can just erase people. Without consumables people might live long enough to let their healers heal them in a team fight.

Speaking of hunters…

Dont you change the subject with catchy music

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Oh, I can meme my way out of any sticky situation.

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That sounds like an admission of defeat to me

That doesn’t mean much though. The stats board does not indicate which way the match will swing.