Solo Q is great, but what about RBGS

I don’t hate rated. My comment was more a reflection of how I feel about queue times plus rating deflation.

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While I agree in concept a solo-que RBG would be cool, in practice I don’t think it would work very well.

Primarily because you couldn’t do the whole “swap teammates” thing that solo shuffle does. This is actually super important because it removes, or at least mitigates, the bad/good luck that comes with random team comps decided by RNG. You got matched with a spec that doesn’t work well with yours? That’s OK because it’s only for a round or two and your rating is based on multiple rounds. That system would not work in RBGs of course due to it being 20 people instead of 6, it’d be like 6 hours of rounds if they swapped it around so everyone plays with everyone like they do in shuffle.

Also you have more roles that need filling in RBGs than in arenas. You need 3 healers, you need a tank that can carry flags or swap to DPS on non flag/node maps, you need at least 2 people that can sit a base and you want a stealthie that can assault bases. It’d be super hard, probably impossible, for a matchmaking system to fill all the roles without ques being insanely long.

Don’t get me wrong I love the idea, I’m a big fan of RBGs and removing the “sit in a group for 45 min till you find a bear” thing would be super awesome. I just don’t think it would work, logistically, for RBGs as well as it does for 3s, sadly.


I think you need to revisit the definition of “solo”.

1-3-6 and be done with it.

This won’t be like a high rated coordinated team all using discord and playing together all the time. The same way that solo shuffle is not 3’s.

In RSS, Blizzard is struggling to attain that 1 healer to 2 DPS ratio in the queue.

I wonder if this would turn into a get-everyone-into-discord-asap-if-you-want-to-win game.

if they can do it for LFR i dont see the problem

discord doesnt always win you games tho

Have your heard why healers don’t want to queue SS?
Does that apply to BGs?

Man no kidding. LFR as a DPS is like 5 minutes right now. The real question for RBG solo queue is, would healers rather heal an arena or a BG?




Do rated BG groups form up quickly? Or do they have to wait a while for certain roles?

i dont like arenas i prefer healing bgs over arenas

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It’s because of the uncoordinated nature of a random solo queue.

The biggest complaint I see, is how much harder it is to climb rating, especially due to factors out of their control (like one really weak DPS) making the lobby go 3-3.

They are faster than DPS solo shuffle queues….

This is also true. The deflation is strong right now.

Only if you’re forming with people you already know. If you’re just yolo’ing it, that’s a different story.

I don’t know anyone in this game and that is true of my experience.

So for me, RBGs are faster than SS and both are far too long.

Can agree on that. My solo shuffle queues are getting into 35-40 minutes now.

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I want to get conquest via BGs and the current system is really bad unless, as you say, you know people.

I am nice people, how can I find other people who like to RBG when I am on?

Or, why can’t I just queue rated like in Overwatch and every other game with ranked play?

and to chime in … this results in a higher chance of getting 3 wins or less … leaving us hard-stuck at lower MMR bracket with backpeddling, overextending, non-peeling zugzugs :tired_face: