it’s an MMO, brah. it shouldn’t evolve at all and should stay stuck in 2004.
That’s how the game is for everyone, solo, group, casual, high end etc. It’s always stagnant near the end of each patch. What are you expecting? Once you completed that content, and earned you gear, they cannot magically make it so you can do something else, without making the content first.
Oh, I can answer this easily. Blizzard cares. It’s one way they balance content, through how gear is given out.
You do understand that filthy casuals have had some sort of gear progression since Vanilla, correct?
Even back then filthy casuals had access to rep-vendors that had gear close to what was dropped back then.
What I am casual and bathe thanks!
Covenant gear is awesome, in fact the best casuals ever got besides catch up gear at further patches.
So what’s your complaint really? We have literal raid gear handed to us for finishing a story, and you whine?
Stop referring to yourself as a casual. It does actual casual players a disservice. The word you are looking for is entitled.
I played vanilla extensively, the only thing progression wise “Filthy Casuals” as you call them had access too, was crafting and the Tier 0.5 sets added later in the game. Crafting was also not as easily obtainable, since many things did require a competent group to access the materials.
And I know you’re not suggesting ZG as casual to get some of that crafted gear, since that was the catch up set, and even though not a hard instance, people you are considering casual couldn’t complete it fully to earn the rep and items needed to craft it.
You know me so well.
Well you read at least part of one now. Shame on you!
How am I entitled?
Because I also enjoy doing content that isn’t just cosmetic? Why can’t both types of gear exist for casuals? There’s different levels of casuals: not just I ONLY play by myself.
I enjoy Torghast but I also feel like I’d want to progress out of it . This is the kind of dungeon I could get into.
But every once in a blue moon, I want to queue up LFR.
One can stand only so many dailies.
I haven’t touched an actual dungeon in years. But I still like being able to progress stat wise.
(I just realized you were being sarcastic.)
If you’ve maxed your covenant gear, you’re over geared for LFR. So uh… I am now very confused.
You have normal raid gear from covenant lines, seriously reread this.
Again, normal raid gear for just doing your story. Which once again is more than you ever received from casual play in the history of WoW minus catch up gear that comes at patches.
You are entitled, you are beyond that. You can’t even validate the existence of the best solo gear ever at launch, nope you come here and tell people off demanding more.
You are entitled.
It’s kind of funny watching people fighting to defend the idea of them keeping exclusive access to the best gear in the game behind the content they prefer call others entitled…
See, this is what happens when you don’t worry about what other people are doing in the game gear wise:
You space out that you already have that system.
I’m allowed to do that sometimes.
I guess it’s just a system I like though I do feel like it should be like 5 ilvls below current LFR level.
Just in case I want to do LFR.
I know you know I am casual, I told you before you outgear me. I guess it’s tough to remember everyone you mislabel since that’s really all you do.
You are still entitled. No change, just more bitterness.
Well, good news is, you’ll have zero issues in LFR for DPS, Tanking or Healing. All the bosses drop iLevel 187 gear, minus the last two that drop 194. So if you know how the fights will go, should be a cake walk to see the lore and story.
I don’t remember replying to your post, quoting you, or addressing you by name. So I’m not sure why you assumed I was talking about you… unless you’re feeling that my assertions applied to you for some reason? Huh…
“Hi, I want you to stop giving me free stuff but in stead add a way for me to work just as hard as everyone else to get it but in my own way.”
Yeah you are right. I do think you all want everything for nothing, and ignore the work it takes others. But you are above it right?
“I want the same stuff at my lesser pace, I know they put in more work to earn it, but give me NAO”
Sounds like you? Entitled.
Happy WoWing in your covenant gear!
You’ve already been told how to get the gear you want. You just don’t like it. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t change the fact from you having to do it the way the game is designed.
I know you want the game changed, and it’s being changed over time to be more and more friendly and more accessible then ever before. But what you want, is not going to happen over night, not even in a week, or months, possibly even years.
lol… that is the worst impression of me I’ve ever heard. Please, try again. That was kind of funny. I do dearly enjoy reading inaccurate, misleading trolly impressions of me, so please, give me another.
Fun fact: I don’t expect it to change overnight. I don’t necessarily even know that it could. But the feedback is valid and it is something that I would hope Blizzard will take seriously for future content they design.
I don’t want blizzard to delay 9.0.5 to fix this, but it’d be nice if it was something they considered going forward, and something that had lsight improvements in 9.1, and maybe a little bit more in 9.1.5 and so on.
Just because I provide feedback doesn’t mean I have expectations of timelines for the changes. But you can keep putting words in my mouth if you’d like.
I loved yours as me too. But really that is you. You called me an elitist for hours a few days ago, I get it like I said before you tell so many people how they should be, it’s not shocking,
As long as these threads keep going up, I’ll be here. I am tired of the game changing over a vocal few. More need to say no, this is dumb.
Misleading trolly impressions? Take a look back at your post history and take a drink for each time you call someone a troll or elitist. I bet you pass out…