Solo Progression Makes Sense

my ilevel 140 mage does wqs, gonna have to sell that one a little harder i’m afraid…shocker! she’s done the maw…omg

Horseman was prob last i tried for…after that, can’t recall looking for any. And that was pretty much only bc he was a flying horse :laughing: not many strike my fancy, esp since as a druid main, I don’t use them much anyways.

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the real problem is they handed them gear at the end of a 5 hour quest chain that invalidated all the queable content.

higher ilvl than heroic dungeons, LFR gear, and maxed renown WQ drops

so it’s either join mythics or after that 5 hours and a few anima WQ’s they’re done with their content

Oh I’ve seen that priest before, she says she doesn’t even play but needs gear, go figure.

I advocate for both. Solo play means I don’t have to deal with people who don’t know what they are doing… ilvl increased rewards are also a crutch for people in general. I would like to see a difficulty mode that scales everyone to the same ilvl of mythic first raiders. I doubt many would be able to complete that. ilvl nerfs all content and enemies you fight to a certain extent. You are responsible for what you do in game which is what make group content easier when everyone knows what they are doing. Group content is balanced around some people being able to make mistakes on lower difficulties to less mistakes on higher difficulties.

I believe this is it right here. I started this game shortly after BC launched. I never had any aspirations of getting into the raiding scene, didn’t get into too many groups coming up. When I finally did ding 70, there was still a whole bunch of Outland I hadn’t yet explored. Things to do that rewarded, here’s that ugly word…reputation. The Dailies in Isle of Queldanas. Participating in those would get me rep, which would give me the option to purchase gear…which were upgrades…for me. Same thing happened in WoTLK. Dinged 80. Still a lot of Northrend left. Lots of Dailies that had an end reward system. Was it perfect? No of course not. But in my opinion it was better than what we have now if you were a non raider. Then I believe it was WOTLK that started the first version of dungeon finder if I’m not mistaken. I remember taking advantage of that and made it easier to break into heroics, which rewarded badges of justice I think. Then I heard that’s about the time the crying and complaining about things being too easy for players like me started.

Now here I am at 60…again. I dutifully did my covenant campaign on two chars, along with some Torghast, and some BGs. And now I’m like…what now.

I’ve been all over Shadowlands. Did all the side quests, which rewarded nothing but gold, okay cool. World Quests were supposed to be this big improvement on old fashioned dailies. In my opinion they were not.

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Quests are a stepping stone, that’s literally what a quest is. You go out, you do the task, you are done then move onto another.

You’re not going to get end game gear, what this topic is over, by just doing simple, solo, easy, mind numbing since would run out of ideas, quests…

These other “Games” That I am guessing you never played much, are the same quests, over and over and over and over and OVER again. At least WoW mixes it up some instead of the kill same 10 mobs, same 20 mobs, WoW will do, kill 5 of these and loot 8 of those.

The issue is the balancing act. How do you create a system for solo players that doesn’t override Grouped play? I don’t have faith after the Benthic system for Blizz to create a solo progression system that doesn’t screw up Group content.

Yes, group content scales…you were talking about “entry to lower keys”…so how much do you need to outgear a 2 to live and do reasonable dps, really? Why on god’s green earth would anyone but mythic raiders need to be scaled to mythic raiders? really? But yeah, can definitely tell you aren’t talking about gear here…certainly having mentioned needing to overgear content etc. Most def purely an interest in solo paths of progression without the high level content rewards, right?

I am not talking about myself in that regard. Anyways I have explained my points in various threads you may choose to look them up. Do and think as you will.

Solo leveling is fun. You know what’s way more fun? Grouping inside the dungeon while leveling. I am not gonna do Scarlet Monastery at level 60. I definitely wont solo Scarlet Monastery at level 25.

Sorry if I gave the impression I was interested in much more than your frequent contradictions. But ty! I found them amusing :laughing:

I definitely agree with more solo content even though this game is a MMORPG and I prefer group content > solo it is not my place to dictate how a game is played.

My issue would be if they started to release more solo content eg Torghast that has some type of currency connected to it will just create more WoW chores that some people already don’t want to do.

This thread has exploded a bit while I made dinner. To everyone who made thoughtful posts either for or against, thanks. Discussion always helps the topic. To those who made less than thoughtful posts… well, thanks for amplifying the topic I guess.

Gonna address a few specific points, but obviously I can’t respond to all 100 posts.

People felt the exact same way about dungeons offering raid equivalent gear. People felt the exact same way about pvp offer good gear.
People were wrong in both of those cases. So it is fairly likely that this is wrong too.

You’re misunderstanding the definition of progression that I, and seemingly at least a few others, want. We don’t want the same content we have now to just give us better gear. That’s not at all the intent. I’ll include another post in this explanation since it also misinterprets the desires of the solo progression minded player…

Progression is not just time = gear. Sure, for some people, that’s what they want. But that isn’t the desire of myself or many of the other people here. Progression is content to push.

Progression is solo content that gets more difficult with time that awards gear to help you push that more difficult content. Progression is the same formula as mythic+ or raiding.

And the reason why gear has to be tied to it is the same reason why gear has to be tied to other progression: If you don’t have gear progression, you’ll eventually hit a wall where it is impossible to complete the content you’re trying to do because your gear just isn’t good enough.

Just like mythic+ - if I have 184 gear and I just keep doing harder mythic+, eventually a point will come where my gear will be what holds me back, no matter how talented I am.

And that leads to what I want from solo progression - a gradual increase in difficulty that also awards a justifiable increase in gear to allow me to continue to do higher difficulty solo(or small group) content to then - again - give me better gear.

This gear doesn’t necessarily have to scale to EXACTLY the same as m+ or raiding, it can be 5 or 10 ILvLs behind, but I want it the content to be hard enough that even if I do mythic+ I can’t just steamroll it by out-statting it. So the gear it awards has to be CLOSE to what other content awards or else there will be no challenge to it.

That’s the point. Not ‘freebies’. Not ‘handouts’. But content I can do that will award gear to allow me to do more content by giving me better gear. Just like m+, raiding, or pvp. The same cycle, just working in a way that will allow me to be engaged when my m+ group isn’t scheduled for that night or when I want to play solo… or for players who ONLY want to play solo.

I hear you. Shadowlands solo content, even discounting the lack of a progression path, is just really dry. There’s no feeling of accomplishment, no real sense of anything to do, nothing fun to discover really. It’s just… not great. I wish you the best of luck in finding a reason to log in.

As others said, real life comparisons always fall flat in some way… so ya, there are problems with it. But the point of my analogy was that there are ALREADY methods to play solo in this game. They exist. Leveling is solo, for example - and offers a progression experience. They just don’t exist in the place I can use them fully on this character, so I simply want them to extend some of that solo love to end-game, as opposed to having it be only available when I’m a ‘child’(low level).

But yes, you’re right, the analogy still has flaws. And it’s pointless to spend too much time correcting an analogy. The point is simple: There are people who are struggling to find something to do right now because solo content is REALLY badly designed once you get your first character to max level. And that is something that should probably be looked at.

I can group, but there are times when I don’t want to OR when my friends aren’t around and I don’t just want to log out, so I’d rather have something fun to do on my own.

And there are people who want a generally social experience(having people around them in general) but suffer from social anxiety or other issues that make joining a group of strangers extremely stressful to the point where they don’t enjoy it. It seems like an easy win to make the game fun for them too by adding content that can be done alone that is actually enjoyable and meaningful.

To me what made wow wow when I first logged in back in Vanilla day 1 was Azeroth. The world. The story. And the community. It had nothing to do with ‘joining a five man group to do a dungeon’ - hell, most players didn’t even do low level dungeons other than Deadmines because getting a group together took so long that you’d outlevel it before you found one - assuming there was even a dungeon near where you were leveling. So back in vanilla, very few people even EXPERIENCED large group content until close to max level. So I don’t necessarily think that your perspective of what makes wow ‘wow’ is shared by everyone. That’s not saying it’s not valid, just that it’s not the only perspective. And I would encourage you to see other peoples’ perspectives too.

Here we have the old ‘it’s always been this way so it must stay this way’ argument again. It’s funny because nobody seems to have any REASON for why it should stay this way other than ‘that’s how it’s always been’. Which, to me, feels like ripe opportunity to try out something different… because maybe it can be better.

Totally fair concern. But is something being difficult a reason to not even try? I don’t think it is. I mean, again, a lot of people thought making dungeon content a relevant end-game would be impossible, but mythic+ turned out okay.

Not gonna quote the entire post because it’s huge… but this is a very big part of the issue. The quest chains in SL feel really hollow compared to a lot of previous expansions, and there’s not really anything interesting to do once you hit 60 that isn’t group content.

Ya not sure if a currency is the best way to do it. I feel like just straight drops would work better. But I’m not the ultimate source of all knowledge, so I’d trust Blizz on how to implement it. I’m mostly just trying to make a case that the concept of offering solo players more content is good economic sense for them, and maybe convince one or two players to open their mind and not get stuck on ‘how it’s always been’ being the ONLY way for it to be forever. :wink:

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I’d like to see Torghast expanded on a bit. And no haters, I’m not advocating mythic raid level gear dropping from the big T

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You’re conveniently leaving out dailies, attunements, and rep grinds that eventually unlocked good gear, the best crafting recipes in the game, and/or unique mounts. Maybe raiding was your endgame. It wasn’t necessarily everyone else’s.

Yes! That’s exactly what Blizzard did when they cut the leveling experience from 3 months to 2 days, locked all pre-raid gear upgrades behind timed dungeons, and scaled all the content to the point that you consistently feel weaker as you level. It seems like you should understand why people are pissed, but instead you insist that they’re wrong for requesting that their favorite dishes be returned to the menu.

You’ve never recruited squad members and run them through dungeons? IMO, it’s a great way to familiarize yourself with fight mechanics. I played that game solo for months without ever running out of stuff to do.

if made an fps game that had kill/collect quests would say that it is exactly like wow.

More effort = more reward. Pretty simple stuff, but you know that, you’re just choosing to be difficult.