Solo Progression Makes Sense

No actually. It is our job to think subjectively. We should provide feedback about what we want. Because then Blizzard can better understand their playerbase.

Blizzard’s job is to think in the objective.

That’s why Blizzard has a forum for us to provide feedback. They don’t expect us to provide metrics on their playerbase for them. They have the objective data themselves. They don’t need that from us. The one thing they can’t tell themselves is how WE as their playerbase are FEELING. so that is what OUR responsibility is. Conveying to them how we’re feeling.

We can’t give them anything in terms of objectivity that they can’t get better from their server data, their financials, etc. We can’t. They have better access to that than us.

It’s silly to think otherwise.

wtf are you talking about. nobodies saying that “boo hoo i dont like guilds” the whole argument is that there should be an alternative for people who dont like conventional endgame instances. oh yeah and it also gives worse gear then solo content unless you count pugs. (and pugs really dont count unless your really, really, stupid with this analogy)

You posting that, in to what he was quoting makes zero sense. This thread, simply put, is give me gear for solo content, that does not require said gear.

It’s literally summarized that simply. I want loot, for doing less in the game.

Not at all, actually.

The thread is ‘I want harder solo content that will justify giving me better loot’.

The content is the most important part of what I want.

If they just handed me 230s, I’d probably quit honestly. BEcause I’d have no real reason to play if I had all the gear and no content to play.

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I don’t think you truly understand how progression worked back then. The experience required to upgrade the neck increased exponentially. As a solo player by level 30 it would take days to get a level, by level 40 it would take weeks, by level 50 it would take months; and the gain was ~5 main stat per level.
Compare that to the upgrading a legendary that takes ~ a month.

as a solo player i dont really care about gear. i just want content that isnt designed with the sole purpose of filling time between “the real game”. sure theres solo content but its mindless garbage that was never designed as a serious gamemode.

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No such content has ever existed. The closest was Mage Tower, and everything was cosmetic.

These are not always good.

I mean you could apply these ideas to slave owners.
But some felt that change was needed and sought to effect that change.

i think its the same here. If we want something to change we should be able to constructively address the change we want.

Throwing a tantrum is not a constructive way to address change, and neither is sticking your head in the sand and hoping it will change on its own.

You are welcome to think this way of course, but if you want your idea to be considered you do need to think objectively for sure.
Otherwise, its feedback, but not ever possible to act on.

There are two big problems right now:

  1. The content youy’re doing as a solo player never changes. It never gets harder. There’s nothing to push against.
  2. None of the content you do as a solo player gives you any power progression at all. You get your free ~180 loot really early. Then you’re basically done forever. The only thing left is your legendary which is just a quick half hour weekly in torghast and that’s it.(and even that ended pretty quickly)

BFA still suffered from problem 1, but problem 2… at least over time the actions you took - the quests, islands, rare mobs, chests, etc. you did - actually contributed to a very slow growth. Yes it was very slow… but very slow is still better than 0.

Ask any game developer which they’d prefer… someone who has a super detailed suggestion full of data, or someone who expresses the details of how they’re FEELING about something eloquently.

I guarantee you 100% EVERY developer will prefer the latter. Why? Because they have the former internally. They have tons of ideas and they have way more data than we could EVER access. They don’t need us for data or for ideas. They need us to help them understand what their game makes us feel.

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So you got triggered by a troll? I’m looking at the quote you are claiming says “all casuals are insisting on getting the best gear” and only says they can continue to get better gear gradually.

Most casuals are more than willing to settle for getting adequate gear to do their content, if it means not having to make a commitment to time and other people’s schedules, as well as not having to put up with some of the most disagreeable people out there.

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if they made quests, world quests, covenant stuff fun and worthwhile this wouldn’t be a problem

You are just not thinking of it realistically.
If the game makes you feel a way that conflicts with the purpose of the systems created, this is just not something they can act on.
Whether its data, or feelings, its not helpful to them.

You would be right with things that ARE within the scope of the game’s developmental goals though for sure.
This is basically why they did what they did in Shadowlands compared to BFA, much to my chagrin.

quests: just remove renown gating BOOM FIXED
world quests: less gimmicky stuff and more fill the bar quests and bosses. BOOM FIXED.
convenatn stuff: make the anima requirments a heck of a lot less and instead unlock it with a quest chain. BOOM FIXED
Torghast: give it some gear drops depending on your layer up to normal raid ilvl. BOOM FIXED.
none of this would take a big rebalancing of the game or buffing solo players. just making it less crappy


It annoys me the arrogance you display in assuming you intimately understand the purpose of what they’ve created when you don’t. Neither do I.

It also annoys me a lot how ridiculously pessimistic you are.

I would greatly appreciate it if you would check those two characteristics at the door… or stop replying to me if you can’t do that. Because this conversation is not productive. You’re basically implying that the way things have been is the way they have to remain. And that’s just a horrible attitude. Things can improve. They can get better. I promise.

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It’s a stupid argument. This game is designed to reward group activity over single player content. The Group Finder has made it possible to adhere to that principle and drop the social aspects of the game.

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No different than BFA.

This is true, but you’re stretching it too thin. +5 stats once a week/month was negligible, the stats back then were in the hundreds. To put it into perspective: A flask gave you 350 main stat.

Btw this heart conversation reminded me that the heart was actually capped through most of BFA, it only became uncapped during the last patch and even then the very best players in the world had it at ~ level 80, meaning solo players wouldn’t realistically get past 60

also layer 8 TC should give gear, that shiz isn’t easy lol.

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I was hoping for something along the lines of POTD in FFXIV. I was a little disappointed that it was max level only.

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I agree. But negligible is still better than 0.

Again: I’m not saying it was GOOD in BFA. I’m saying that if BFA solo content was a 3 out of 10, SL is a 1 out of 10. It’s a massive step backwards, and it makes you appreciate the 3 a bit more because holy crap you didn’t realize just how much worse it could get.