SOLO PLAYER PENALTY -- Avg Gear Score Capped @ iLvl 198

This is a choice, not a penalty. You can’t get group rewards without playing in a group.

Your post boils down to something akin to me whining about not making money because I choose not to work. Wtf…

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Incorrect. I have nearly hit my wall (after I get my Legendary from Rank 1 to 4) and I’m totally fine with that. There is so much more to this game than collecting higher level gear. I’m working my way to SL Achievements right now and having a blast. I Enjoy Epic and Random BGs. I have Alts I like to work on. Hitiing the iLvl wall does not mean the game is done and people will quit. Even those high level Raiders are going to max out as well and they keep playing.

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You are absolutely correct, I’m on your side. If I’m not doing mythic raiding then I shouldn’t be rewarded with mythic raiding ilvl gear, that’s just my philosophy.

But people wanna do their WQs in 226 ilvl gear.

Just to feel on par with people who are mythic raiding.

i love your attitude but

197 is not semi casual buddy


I think the big problem for solo play is how fast you run into this soft cap for gear.
Having the covenant set upgrades is a great idea, but I think the execution was poor. You can’t get higher level gear outside of raiding, M+ or rated pvp.

World bosses exist, but without bonus rolls the drops are feeling pretty sparse from them.
World quest rewards seem to be capped at 184 right now.
Callings reward gear so rarely that most people probably have only seen 1 or 2 pieces so far.

Yeah, I’d consider that just casual.

This is how I see the “rankings,” personally:

Casual to me is nothing above normal Mythic dungeons and some LFR.

Semi-Casual, I’d say is Normal and a bit of Heroic raiding and some low key M+.

You start getting into progression once you get to high keys and Mythic raids.

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They should not have gutted it. It makes me not want to play at all.

I’m proud to be a semi casual

And I’m cool to just be casual. :grin:

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Can you expand on this? I have 184 in several slots still, and upgrading those to 197 would be a huge increase. By “flinging gear” do you mean I need to go and farm anima through WQ to upgrade items or something?

I think I classify as semi-casual, no?

I play like 3’ish hours a night once my family has gone to bed, and that’s it.
I level up ALL my toons through dungeons, so once I hit 60, I have like 2k’ish anima, smash through the story and upgrade the cov gear… pretty easy.

my highest ilvl toon is 196 (got lucky with 4 drops in ulduar) but the majority of my characters are like this one… 190’ish ilvl

maybe just casual then? lol. I dunno anymore.

all I know is I am running out of toons to gear… fast. rofl

The second “M” stands for multiplayer, dummy.

Then casual?? My husband and I only play in the evenings for about 2 hours a day after the kids go to bed. I’m 198, go ahead, you can click on my profile.

multiplayer does not mean group, dummy.


Simple question. How about the person who does the 8hrs a week raiding mythic content, doing the +14 - +15 to get that 226 reward. The person that clears layer 8 or torghast weekly to build the soulash to craft the 235 item. What about them and there labours?

The casual wants it all without the effort but then cries when they get stomped on by a player that does put the effort in.

I understand not everybody has all the time to play the game however blizzard has provided you with a acceptable lvl of gear for the CONTENT you do.


Ok, I just did layer 8 TC last night solo. Pretty challenging by the looks of the forums. Where’s my gear for that? Oh, that’s right, no gear there because the raiders would get bootyblasted that something solo could be rewarding. But hey, now I can mount in the Maw.


I was wondering it would be nice to craft the legrndary gear for other slots. But to choose which legendary effect you want and wear the rest like normal gear. Or use soul ash to get items thst upgrade ilvl of other pieces to max cap of ilvl. I feel like Torgast was the best place solo gear should be awarded like visions. Maybe tied to the weekly chest.

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I’m just a spectator don’t hurt me T-T

No, not it’s not.

Getting a few higher item level pieces from here and there to get a persons item level up within 5 or 10 item levels of an entry level raider is not “nearly full raid geared from questing”

And even if a person worked their butt off to get every high level rep item and such that they could possibly get their hands on, they’ll still hit a wall. As i said in my first comment in this thread, we all should have ways of meaningfully upgrading our characters gear/power as the weeks/months roll on.

It doesn’t really impact upon me personally because i’ll get mine from heroic raids and M+ but it doesn’t stop me from recognizing that a big chunk of the community is getting boned.


SL gearing is a terrible failure and the game is bleeding subs like crazy because of it.

I have 3 level 60’s. My main that I’ve played a lot, my main alt that I’ve played a medium amount, and my ignored alt that I play a bit each week. They are all the same ilvl 198-200.

Bliz has hard capped gear progress while also creating an easy to achieve floor … with way too many player sandwiched in the middle with no meaningful path to progress their character in any noticeable way.

There;s one path to player progression in SL and that;s being part of an organized raiding group or maybe an organized M+ group. If you are casual and pug, you are pretty much screwed.

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