SOLO PLAYER PENALTY -- Avg Gear Score Capped @ iLvl 198

Hey thanks for replying! :slight_smile: I’m gonna do my best to break down your post.

That’s fine. The best gear being locked behind the hardest content seems pretty par for the course in WoW.

It would be nice to have more control with PvE loot, but I’m not sure how this applies to a solo player like the OP who wouldn’t be joining M+ or Raids to begin with.

Also doesn’t really apply to the OP since they’re not queuing for Rated PvP. But I admit, annoying. Not sure there’s really a solution though.

I didn’t really play in Legion or BFA much, at least not end-game content, so for me I don’t really understand this. Shadowlands gearing is an upgrade to WoD’s or MoPs at least. That’s all I can compare it too first hand.

I disagree. The vault will allow for everyone, assuming they are pushing at least 1 of the 3 end-game pillers, to be high item level by some point. Just not as quickly as someone who’s doing 2 of the 3 or all 3.

Kinda reads like victim complex?

I never understood why the idea of investing time into this hobby was looked at so negatively? Like the idea that someones who plays more than someone else is “no life”. Many top end players work 40hours a week, have family. They’ve got a life, and a hobby they enjoy.

Time I get. That’s valid. But there’s always the option to make ones owns groups to get gear if you cannot find your way into one.

Put down the tinfoil.

Overall I get what you’re saying here, but you didn’t really answer my question? You went off about average players when I was referring to casual players who aren’t doing Raids, M+ or Rated PvP.

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If we could do layer 8 weekly for some heroic gear ilvl vault stuff with torgast bonuses (or solo/group depending on what you did that week) it would be a nice thing for solo players to do.

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Who cares what gear people get.

Some casual players in same item level as you don’t make them better players. I get it, a lot of people who play this game lead shallow lives, where their entire self worth is based on having higher item levels than the casual player base.

But, it’s pretty pathetic.


And you need to put down the knight suit, no matter how hard you try to convince me I’m wrong there are more people that agree with me than you.

I agreed with on points… Did you even read my reply?

I guess there’s no conversation to be had. You just want to say “I’m right! You cannot change my mind!”.

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I don’t have to say it, I know I’m right and you cannot change my mind and neither can you change the mind of the mass of people slowly unsubbing due to lack of updates on balance or the gear disparity.

But it’s ok, keep polishing that shining white knight armor and maybe you might get noticed by the devs.

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BoE items off the AH, your lego.

because random BGs give a bit of conquest, which can be used to buy 200 items from pvp.

you can join groups via group finder and get Rated Battle ground rating. it doesn’t take a guild group or even a group any more skilled than people who would be doing a random bg.
hitting 1400 in free time should be fairly easy. so the solo player can reach a 207 average ilvl in a few weeks and very little time investment.

And most gear doesn’t even come from M+ or Raids because drop rates are virtually non existent. though, granted, the vault should give something useful but even a solo player should be capable of doing a single +2 key or +4 key for a vault option.

what ilvl, does a solo player require to achieve to be viable in solo content? a new patch will come out and the bar will shift and even current mythic ilvl items will be accessable to solo players. as even better gear will become available to those who push content.

does a solo content player need gear equal to a mythic raider/dungeon pusher or high end pvp player to do the solo content?

Oooh, burn. :roll_eyes: Yeah, keep talking. You’ll change your mind tomorrow.

You my friend made my day with this, yet I loathe you at the same time for getting it stuck in my head.

I raise you a Baby Shark Sir!

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Cheers! We can both have a laugh when that tune pops into our head every time we read one of his posts :rofl: :rofl:

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Why do you care? 198 ilvl is nothing compared to heroic/mythic/rival arena? The gap in stats between 198 and someone who is 210 is massive right now. It’s pretty sad that it bothers you that casual players can get gear that is nowhere close to heroic/high rated arena geared players.

Welcome to an MMORPG…where your supposed to play with others, not get raid ilvl gear by doing solo content like it was Skyrim or Witcher 3. Wrong game genre your playing.

I will assume you were able to use the cheese mode so who cares?

A bit off-topic, but…Torghast makes me want to play D3, and not in the good way. (I’m sick of D3 even after not playing it for a long time.)

Well said hopefully this will be fixed in a patch during shadowlands .

I agree and I’m liking what you’ve been posting. I’m hoping to see more changes from Blizzard. It doesn’t serve anyone that plays this game any good with a exodus of subs.

And solo players aren’t doing higher group content, so your argument is moot.

Source for this claim.

Because anyone can get into higher content without no lifing the game.

Moving goalposts. No solo player is going for high end progression. :roll_eyes:

No there isn’t. The droprates are low, but a drought means no one is getting anything at all ever. Droprates need adjusted, but no one is cut off from anything.

Progression content is for those who are in static groups and pushing the hardest difficulty. Why would you ever think that’s something some casual solo player would be doing?

Your argument is nonsensical.

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Thank you! Yes, the problem is that they threw the casuals to the way side to please the elitists but don’t realize that us casuals are the ones who make this game possible for the elitists to play.

No they didn’t. Honest to Bob, catch up gear doesn’t happen til the first major content patch which has not happened.

This is no different than any other expansion, other than the lowered Mythic loot, which let’s be fair, you keep telling us you are a solo player, so this doesn’t affect you in the slightest.

How ya doing KatyPerry?