SOLO PLAYER PENALTY -- Avg Gear Score Capped @ iLvl 198

Moving goalposts again, I see.

LOL what? LFG isn’t per server. And how do we know how many people are in guilds on our server? What crap are you making up?

Oh please, now you’re just acting pedantic. :roll_eyes: Anyone who wants to get into content can get into content. You can’t sit there and do nothing and complain. You have to actually do something, find people, work towards goals. If my friends who work 70 hours a week and have families can find time to be in Heroic raids right now, then so can anyone else who wants to try.

LOL making more crap up. :rofl:

Incorrect. You aren’t gated by anything except yourself. The Vault gets you gear, the raids get you gear. And us casuals have our own set of gear that gets us to almost Normal raid ilevel.

Nonsensical comment that has nothing to do with what I said.

It’s there for convenience. Your claims that it’s the basis of this game and everyone uses it is not fact.

Wrong. A casual player gets the gear they need to do the content they run. If they want to run higher, they have to work for it and stop being solo.


LOL yeah, you don’t know me at all. Making up more crap.

Let’s quote you from an earlier thread, shall we?

Try again.

I’m out.