You know, deciding to consolodate all of my takes on Delves with a bit of advice on how people can improve to succeed. This is primarily for reward-capped Delves (up to T8) and not including Zekvir.
Rule 1: Be cautious. By Tier 8, the average trash mob ends up with over 10 million HP and does no small amount of damage on their own. Pulling four casters at once can become death.
Rule 2: If your class doesn’t have blood DK levels of sustain, use Brann as a healer. Those potions become your lifeline, use them to cover more or less all incoming damage, the best way is to stagger picking them up to keep the HoT stacking (adding a stack refreshes the buff timer, meaning more sustained and high-power healing).
Rule 3: Despite guides treating delves like M+ for AoE builds, you actually want single-target talents with CC options while learning. Priority damage is key, CCing an overpull by rooting/fearing/snaring all the melee while you kill the caster vastly cuts down on incoming damage.
Rule 4: Use CC and LoS. While not every delve has easy LoS spots, where present you can use it to delay or bring a caster mob to you as they only move unless LoSed or out of range.
Rule 5: Don’t stand in front of mobs while they are doing their frontals, don’t gamble on if it will reach you, just step to the side or behind the mob. This also includes not standing in swirlies or next to any mob that is either casting an explosion/eruption of some sort.
Rule 6: Don’t panic. Save big defensives for mistakes/overpulls, most of the delve will be spent collecting potions and doing as much damage as possible.
Bonus tip: In delves with the air totem/candle, if you set it down it won’t shrink and you won’t auto-pickup the ones you would use to recharge it, granting you free movement through it without it ticking down. I suggest dropping the item in each room you get into before pulling any mobs. You can safely drop it, run out to collect an item/treasure and run back with no issue.
Bonus tip 2: if you don’t have a great Relic, relic of sentience is probably the best until possibly a high rank amorphous as the easier time extending the HoT vastly increases survivability.
Hopefully this helps at least one person improve their strategy to push towards victory in their solo endeavors and despite all the changes so far, these basics have been more less unaffected.
How to Play WoW: The Thread.
We used to CC in dungeons and the player base used to PVP, so they knew about CC. This is just sad.
That’s why we need Delves. Retrain people how to play the game.
I also think it’s really funny all the streamers will tell people Deathbringer BDK is the way to go when clearly Sanlayn is better for raw survivability, literally read the talents.
To be fair, people are used to pulling everything and not being challenged like in heroic dungeons or lower tier delves.
As for BDK hero talents, most went Deathbringer because it all just works, Sanlayn is getting a massive buff (25% chance to proc Vampiric strike vs 10%) which may make it more appealing.
Not all delves are equal as well, if you are just after vault slots find a delve that you can solo and just do that one.
Fungal Folley as a ranged class is rather easy the boss has a predictable and dodgable pattern and the trash leading up to it can be killed by the spores exploding.
True, but Fungal Folley is my personal least-favorite delve. Even with range and an AoE root, there’s a lot going on on-screen in combat there.
It’s my go to now, once you get the pattern down it all translates up to T11 without much hassle.
(as Dev evoker, can’t speak for other classes)
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These general advice posts that don’t apply to 80% of classes are actually getting older than the people whining about the difficulty. Don’t stand in fire? We know. But when you have 1 CC and a long CD interrupt and the pull has 2-3 casters popping off 3-5 million a shot it does not matter. How hard is this to grasp?
Yeah to be honest I just play delves the way I did back in classic and TBC. Pull small groups, kill as quickly as I can but not at the risk of dying. If I struggle with sustain for any reason I manage my aggro and let brann tank and only DPS as much as I can without stealing aggro from Brann. (Only need this for like one or two bosses on Unholy) Really, Delves feel like they are intended for the slow methodical gameplay.
There isn’t a single pull in any of the delves where you are forced to fight three casters at once. To that I would say refer to rule one and don’t over pull.
I have never had a pull with 2 to 3 casters. Except in those instances where it’s like a survive the ambush challenge, but in those cases I charge to the room before and hide around the corner and let them come to me killing the casters as quickly as I can before the next one arrives.
My bountiful Kriegval literally had a enhanced pull comprising of Darkcaster, 2 Threadmancers, and a the warrior type sitting on the objective.
From my experience threadmancers don’t chase, so you drag stuff away from them, kill whatever follows.
They aren’t linked. Range pull one out and kill it then repeat.
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They are. They literally pulled all together and I had mind soothe out.
This thread actually got worse. Shills lying about blatantly broken mechanics.
If you pull with abilities that do AOE damage you will get all of them. Even if they are close together they are not always linked. Another example are the objective monsters in skittering where you have to destroy the big guys channeling the ritual, they can have other monsters standing directly on top of them but you can kill the Channeler without getting aggro of anything else as long as you don’t do any AOE or cleave damage.
Do threadmancers run after you? I can interrupt them and they won’t even move, If theres threadmancers in a pack I drag the other stuff around a corner and then come back for thteadmancers
The tl;dr would be:
Take your time and wait for cd’s if needed it’s not a race.
In another news delves tunning still pretty pretty awful on top of brann still being useless as usual and now loves to stand in things that he tells you to get out of and die.
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Mine always chase and if they don’t they nuke through LOS because half the walls in Delves aren’t even true walls.
I love delves because they force players, who think they’re wonderful because they get carried in key runs, to face the fact they aren’t good. But can then get better.
This will overall improve the quality of group play since most failures are because of the people complaining about others in groups, when they are the problem.
However, delves need to be exclusively solo in order for this to really have an effect.
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