It’s not like they had a bunch of m+ gear on. They only have the stuff that’s been available this week.
available this week in heroics, which is not in delves. there’s another thread currently that’s got current ilvls being polled, delvers are around 583.
heroics are 600
Glad to know I’m not the only one who feels like he suddenly ran into a brick wall.
That is a massive skill issue.
So, the recommended ilevel for 8 delves? Sounds fine, and is available to everyone.
If someone thought delves were only for people who didn’t do anything else, that seems like the problem, because obviously folks who do world stuff, crafting, dungeons and raids will be in them too.
no alternate progression will be allowed to interfere with the raid monopoly.
it’s just how it is, they wasted a lot of money on this…
I think skill and spec choice are both big factors in delve playability as well, moreso than things like dungeons and raids because of their (big quotes here) ‘solo’ nature. When you’re solo, you’re responsible for basically everything. Most specs can’t handle everything very well, and some can’t handle anything very well. Defensives and CC are all over the place across all the specs.
And then there’s player skill to take into account. Myself as an example, I had to give up trying to clear Dread Pit T8 the other day while another shadow priest at basically the same ilvl was able to clear it. Same delve, same spec, same gear (more or less), but one of us succeeded and the other did not because one was just a better player. It’s been memed to death and it’s generally used as an insult now, but it’s unironically a ‘skill issue’ sometimes rather than being overtuned.
If your skill level doesn’t allow you to do the top tier week one, that’s okay. Progress with your skill level.
I was clearing 8s well before I hit the recommended ilvl. In fact, I did over 12 bountiful delves before I even stepped foot in a single mythic 0.
The lowest character (and this was YESTERDAY) I have done a Tier 8 on is my shadow priest who was 567 when I first went in. I cleared 5 delves on it (one before reset, four after reset) yesterday. I got 3 of the achievements (Don’t die in a T8, Don’t lose your breath, and don’t get hit by spore) all on that same character while going through it. Did I blow through it quickly? Not at all, it took some planning, but it was 100% doable. Delves in their current state are 100% doable.
The issue is, there are a ton of low skill players who were expecting this content to be “easy” and now that it isn’t, they’re pointing fingers at other people as though it’s their fault.
The amount of people I’ve seen say a shadow priest isn’t viable in solo runs, or that a mage can’t handle it either. I’ve done both. Both < 590 ilvl. Both multiple Tier 8s. You have to use your toolkit, and a lot of the people complaining probably aren’t. Are the shadow priests using Fade to drop threat or get out of movement impairments? Dispersion on heavy incoming damage? Silence? (are they talented into improved dispersion healing and lower CD on silence?) Are they using Psychic scream to help interrupt? Are they using Fade to temporarily put distance between them and the melee mobs (if your bran is set to DPS, fade 100% gives you breathing room by dropping threat to Bran). Are you using your dispel on yourself? Did you take the talent that lets Fade give you a damage reduction? Did you take the talent where Flash Heal gives you a 10% damage reduction? The mini-cheat death (don’t remember what its called; but effectively if you drop under 35% health you get self healed) talent, or the one that makes mindbender do some healing? The talent that makes targets affected by SWP do less damage?
You see where I am going with this? People aren’t using their full kits. They probably grab a random build off wowhead, don’t understand anything about their talents, and go in and get slapped and then run to the forums and whine that it’s the “mythic players” fault these are hard, or it’s group’s fault they’re hard, so on and so forth without looking in the mirror and trying to figure out how to accomplish it.
Outside of the temporary timeframe Thursday night going into Friday morning when they borked scaling with a hotfix and had things literally hitting for 12M+ (and when groups were supposedly easier, but I wouldn’t know cause I was doing them solo), Delve tuning has been fine.
they are absolutely variable on delve/class/spec as well as skill but they’re being balanced for solo players on high tier group performance this week as well which is not helping those disparities.
I hear you I am capped this week at T7 at best and T6 and T5 on my lower geared alts, at my skill level. I don’t expect it to be easy and I do expect this to be a progression over the season. I am 100% okay with that. My vault slots are opened to levels I’m comfortable with and I look forward to seeing what I can get next week to improve.
But every time I go into a delve this week, I don’t know what random change blizzard has pushed live. Are the trash mobs HP buffed a bunch? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
Will Brann do his job this time? certainly not always.
Will his DPS be 100% or 10% this time?
My performance in my delves has been consistent this week, why isn’t the tuning?
You cannot tell me this level of constant flux would be okay next week in Keys.
I agree that if delves are suppose to exist independent of other content then you shouldn’t have to go get better gear elsewhere and you should need delve gear for anywhere else.
So if that’s the case, what is the advantage of higher level delve tiers? Why even bother with them? Other than gear to do higher level delve tiers, what does tier 8 give you that tier 1 does not give you?
I’m not so sure about this myself. The major changes to delves this week were correcting the scaling disparities between solo and group play and the essentially broken scaling for tanks. Aside from that, I believe spell damage was reduced pretty much across the board, which although may not always be visible in full groups (not sure how damage scaling is applied in groups), does make solo delves easier now than they were at the start of the week. For example, through no real self-improvement, I can now get past the boss of Dread Pit on T8 thanks to the spell damage reductions meaning his insect swarm no longer does ~150% of my max HP per channel.
I get that this is the default opinion for those who want to dismiss the opinions of others who are struggling, but having read through many many comments, I don’t think your opinion is right about many/most who are struggling. Especially with the blue posts talking about balancing and bug fixing delves changes, and obvious class toolkit differences.
You don’t know that, you assume so, and assume that there’s no tuning problems.
So, at this point, we have heard plenty from the "get gud " crowd. We get it, you are a superior player, and want everybody else to know that.
But these kind of comments doesn’t help the conversation, and don’t make the forums a better place.
they’ve locked the seasonal journey progression currency and Brann’s experience behind higher bountiful only delves.
Brann’s XP levels him up and improves his help such as it were.
The journey unlocks cosmetics at first and later ways to get delve gear and more keys for bountifuls, but it requires a lot of bountiful delves at t4 or higher.
You don’t need to run T8s this week, fully agree, but you don’t get much of anything if they’re not bountiful, you use a limited key, and they’re at least T4.
It is as simple as git gud. Case closed.
Whelp I was smashing 8’s now I can’t get halfway before dying.
Trash mobs with 17 million hp.
Mobs constantly evading is annoying.
This is getting ludicrous.
There’s no way to tell if it’s you, the content, the tuning, the hot fix, or wth is going on.
When I ran my successful T7 it was Earthcrawl, and Reno and Finley were in the second room.
They had 22 million HP each, and that fight took a full 15 minutes to complete without any moment where my health was in danger. All this got me was Reno’s Random Reactions. I do not have the toolkit in that fight to lock them both down simultaneously and Brann was not doing it.
The end boss had 46 million HP and took less than 4 minutes. The entire rest of the delve took 20 minutes it was otherwise a good challenge and fun. The rest of the mobs were around 5 million HP except the caster elites at 13 million, still not much of an issue.
but why on earth did that rare fight exist in a solo delve?
Yeah, the taskmasters were pushing 30M when I was in last night, with regular ones around 10. Wasn’t terrible if Brann decided to actually do something, but when I tried switching him to heals there was no chance.
I’ve fought them too! Although it’s two mobs, they didn’t seem to hit particularly hard, at least not relative to other delve mobs. Their encounter seems to end at some other point than 0 health, as I hadn’t ‘killed’ them when they suddenly stopped fighting and gave me the reward.
Speaking of Earthcrawl though, that’s another one I couldn’t beat earlier in the week. I couldn’t handle so many casts coming from a mob that’s immune to all CC except for interrupts, when my only interrupt has at best a 30-second CD. I haven’t gone back since the tuning changes though.
I completely agree. The random dialing forward and backwards they’re doing is quite jarring. Frankly, they should have just waited until Tuesday and done a maintenance and messed with it then.
If that was the point you got from my post then the point of my post went way over your head. I am not some superior player. I am a casual player who plays a couple hours several days a week. I barely do any raiding, and dungeons are my primary content because I can do it in bite sized chunks. I almost exclusively PUG. I’ve never come close to a title in M+. Some seasons I didn’t even get KSM. I’m not some elitist jerk out there trying to tout my “skill.” Tuning is the same for everyone. If I go in on a shadow priest and you go in on a shadow priest, we have the same tuning. Player skill is one of the primary determining factors at this point. I’ve read in chat people who are stuck and can’t get past 4s and 5s. I literally have a friend who honestly isn’t that great at the game. He’s currently 600 ilvl, yet he does 150k dps lol. He will stand in the most telegraphed mechanics and then ask the question “Oh, man, what got me?!” I love him to death; I’ve been friends with him since we met back in Naxx during WotLK. He solo’d his way to +7.
It’s not like Blizzard’s going “Okay, Exanthema is going in the Delve, his scaling is going to be X. Oh, wait, Smiter is going into the Delve, his tuning is going to be Y because he shouldn’t have as easy of a time.” Every class is capable of getting through it. Some classes might struggle, but they have the toolkits necessary if people use them. Could some of those people failing be using their full toolkit? Sure. Then it comes down to are they reacting quickly enough to situations? Are they choosing to prioritize the correct mob first? Heck, in earthcrawl mines when you’re fighting the waves of nerubians, I had to literally run around the pillar as things widdled down because I couldn’t keep up with the web bolts and my character, who was < 580, couldn’t nuke it fast either.
But the kind of comments where you just blanket accuse someone of trying to tout their own skill are just as worthless to the conversation and “making the forums a better place” as you perceive my comments to be.