Solid true black fur option for male worgen

Okay, I’m getting desperate now. Please, we need this. We needed this since Cata.

Please add a solid true black fur option for male worgen. No differently-colored hands or feet or face, none of that. No white, no grey, no bluish, no brown, no slate grey.

Just solid, dark, true black everything - hands, feet, face, mane, all of it. NO other colors. Tauren get this; they always have. Why not worgen?

Cases in point of other examples in-game:
http s:// 9
Even the female worgen looks better than anything male worgen get. Tauren get a solid black except for the lack of fur on their fingers. Male worgen get not even the remotest equivalent to these.

Before the model update, the female worgen black fur was much darker and more of a true black, as well.

The female worgen have always had a pretty good one, but males have never gotten the option to be solid black, ever. Obviously if a new one is added for males I’d love to see a better one added to females, but male worgen really need this option. We are getting a pretty good solid white; we really need a solid black.

There are so many other things I would love to see but this is easily one of the simplest things that I actually did hope would get added, and I still don’t see it.

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True black everything? Mate you’re gonna absorb more light than the void does.

I wish you well on your rather oddly specific suggestion.

Thanks, but I don’t see what’s so odd about it. Black wolves are, alongside white wolves, the most popular wolf colors in media.

Case in point: tauren get a solid black, female worgen get a pretty good solid black, even pandas get a better solid black than male worgen.

I want to be a black wolf, that’s all. :woman_shrugging: The only fur added so far with a black mane and any black fur otherwise has white hands and feet - and those are the main things you see regardless of your mog. Hard to feel like a black wolf that way.

Problem is, Blizzard has had such a pathological, Monet-style aversion to actual BLACK since forever, it’s shocking when it does show up.

That said, it does lead to some awkward designs. With their turbo-black eyes, the Night Warrior styled Night Elves are a lot more “Void” than the tentacle blueberries, for instance.

I said it’s oddly specific (i.e the specificity is odd). It could be extended to female who I agree have gotten a nicer colour pallets.

Tauren is a good basis for your suggestion. (Noting that the hands, hoof are grey coloured).

True, yeah. They don’t seem to be that good for black.

Still, the tauren get one - worgen should get one too. That’s all I ask; one like what the tauren have and/or at least like what the female worgen have. A black without differently-colored hands and feet and face.

Why do all Worgens want to be characters from Twilight?

I support this, along with wanting to have solid black cloaks with no designs on them.

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I’d love to have solid-colored lots of cloaks with no designs on them. The blue ones for Alliance and red for Horde are my favorite cloaks in the game, easily. I’d love to see more of those, tattered and non-tattered versions for everyone.

I want redder fur. Yes I’ve seen the SL updates but I want a little redder.

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Also a jet black with a white stripe on the belly and white paws, just like my old dog when I was young.

Case in point the Highmountain. I know at least on the female the ‘black’ fur option is pretty light and the braids used are from the normal tauran. Normal tauren had to fight to get their black fur darkened again so my highmountain has this light black fur and hair but pitch black braids. It’s pretty akward.

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I wouldn’t mind a gold/blond, like Italian wolves. Or a redder, like red wolves. I don’t know who asked for maned wolves and stripes, of all things, but… whatever, I guess. Black wolves is a big odd one out, still, though, for wolf fur colors - although the timber wolf color we’re getting looks very nice.